Snapshot More visual improvements and better mouse support
Love the new gray look, it's really nice. New settings style is also fine.
But please! I beg you! Bring us basic extensions bar support! It is the only thing that prevent me to use Vivaldi as secondary browser (primary is obviously O12 with its mail and rss). -
Being worked on as we speak!
Thanks @ruario and @ahoj1234 I see the option now. At the top in plain sight :oops:
Hahaha, thanks, I've been fumbling in tools->settings for ages!
Currently the scrolling is tied to Tab Cycling Order. We are looking at more options for the future.
Thanks for the great build. One problem - search bar is not working. No response when I press Enter button.
I have a feeling, that the browser is much smoother. But there's still a lot work to do. Hold CTRL+T for a while and you'll see what i mean
My requests:
- session manager (like in O12)
- option to clean recent-closed tabs list
- expanding tab stack (like in O12)
- global zoom level
search bar is not working. No response when I press Enter button
Confirmed. Also I can not add a new item on Speed Dial via the big +. It does not react on Add button or Enter key.
No problem. Maybe I should have said it was off by default in the post. I considered putting it as a known issue but that would have been wrong since it implies that it is a bug just for this build.
VB-1681 works.
Thanks Espen, I owe you a truck with Donuts.(I can't import data from Opera 15+ → ~/.config/opera)
siduction 64bit / xfce
Thanks for the great build. One problem - search bar is not working. No response when I press Enter button.
I have a feeling, that the browser is much smoother. But there's still a lot work to do. Hold CTRL+T for a while and you'll see what i mean
Thanks, I see the problem with search box. With regards to the speed and performance of the UI. We are actively working on this now.
Scaling gets reset to 100% with this build (same with the last build). I leave it at 110% until you guys can finally add a font minimum size.
I'm half awake and checking it out so when I find more oddities I'll point them out.
Debian Stretch 64-bit. -
I've been watching closely & silently the development of Vivaldi since the beginning, , just wanted to welcome Ruari aboard to the re-incarnation of the best and only true browser (karma it is & Olafur clearly predicted it back then:
). Vivaldi can only get better with Ruari in the team.
P.S.OK I will admit it here, it was rather that boy-band he is secretly cooking behind, the reason for the welcome. I'm admitting being a potential groupie of it :lol:
Finally a complicate week ended.
Finally! - Add tab cycling via right click + mouse wheel
And another nice feature - Switch tabs with mouse-wheel over tab bar.Good job, keep it going
edit: woot, cant cycle with mouse between just 2 tabs, it runs in circle, still not good, but hopefully in next build.
Just chiming in to express my support for removing the border between the top of the tabs and the top of the window. I use a tiling window manager and this is the only thing stopping me from switching to Vivaldi as my primary browser!
Also, I hope it will be possible to have the stable version installed side-by-side with the snapshot without the snapshot affecting stable's data.
Can anyone confirm, that middle click does not change cursor for page scroll but scrolling is ok.
Maybe a feedback according to the setting page (alt+p) change:
the colour is grey and uglier than before. Why it can't take colour from the favicon of the page which is opened in the background of the dialogue?it's simply ugly if I see all in red (on this blog) but the setting page is in monotone/chromium*
*chromium is a type of colour -> it does not reflect to a browser/Chromium project
Actually chromium is a shiny metal, and reflects anything :lol:
Finally update chromium version. As I know you skipped 3 version and updated from 41 to 44. Great!
Via extension issue I think we will get them soon.
Confirmed. Tha's the first bug I found. The chosen scale isn't kept.