Snapshot Improvements to Search Engine Management, Spatial Navigation, Gray look and the foundations for customisable mouse gestures
This should already be fixed. The build you installed manually as admin now does come with a fixed installer.
Shout if it doesn't work with next week's build! -
on our list.
Yes, we know about this bug.
It's on our list, but I don't know how soon it's going to be in.
Yes, that's true. I requested support for other locations some weeks ago, but we didn't get to it yet.
We're working hard on newer Chromium version(s).
No ETA, but we're working on it obviously.
Creating a search engine through context menu works already, yes.
On win 7 x64 same bugβ¦
Many man years of browser developing experience have joined V the last few months.
I had the same problem, closing one tab removed the tab indicator for another (random?) tab as well. However I was able to fix it by resetting all vivaldi://flags changes I made back to the default values. (Most probably it's only 1 or 2 of those flags that caused the problem, but I was too lazy to test out which and therefore reset all).
Unfortanetly, the bug of dissapearing tabs on Linux is still present
If that gets fixed then I'll switch to Vivaldi full-time.
I've actually been doing that, or stopping and filling out the details and its home when I make the Bookmark. :lol:
I made an interim holding folder for new Bookmarks too, sort of like a 'pocket' for Bookmarks, then I can come back later and find a home for them and fill in any missing details when I'm done.
Welcome Ruario,My question: Does a rank system in the Vivaldi possible? When the Opera left us orphans started using Maxthon and although the rank system does not serve for anything very useful, I think pretty cool to have control of the amount of hours and know that contributes to the browser's growth, and of course to have a level high and flaunt :), just kidding!
Same here, Win7 x64. It works and creates an "undefined" SpeedDial entry.
Click on it to open it, then click on the Bookmark icon in the address bar to change it to something you can use.Screenshot:-SD_Undef.png
I have a little problem with autocomplete and clipboard (klipper) in KDE.
Typing i.e. in address bar will spam the clipboard with entries,,, and so on due to autocompletion.
In any other browser the autocompleted text is not selected, there is only some kind of dropdown menu. Is there any way to disable this inline autocompletion in vivaldi? -
Bug: Activating fullscreen mode with embedded YouTube videos makes the webpage (at least in facebook) go fullscreen rather than the video itself. Tested on Mac 10.10.3. Submitted to bug tracker
Take your time. It's not like anyone is going to miss Mars and sail off into the void or fall into the Sun because of a balky Bookmark editor.
Well, I guess the real issue here is that the selection should be modified in such a way that the clipboard manager (klipper) does not detect a change until typing has been completed. I am pretty sure we did something like that in opera 12 and earlier.
Ruari, where are you?