Snapshot Improvements to Search Engine Management, Spatial Navigation, Gray look and the foundations for customisable mouse gestures
Hi, I'm a new Vivaldi employee, starting today. Perhaps I got the job because the Vivaldi team pays such careful attention to user feedback.
Anyway, I have taken a little time off from my coffee making duties to write this blog post.
The highlights today are improvements to search engine management, spatial navigation, an alternative UI look and work in progress towards customisable mouse gestures. In addition, there are a number of nice, requested fixes (see the changelog below for details).
Ruari! Welcome!
Welcome! Testing now!
EDIT: I noticed navigating thru SD like switching between multiple SDs and opening/closing sidebar items got a little sluggish compared to the last snapshots. Just sayin'.
Thanks for VB-5627 and VB-2357 btw! ^^ -
@ruari: No weather-forecast? Seems like the time-of did you good
Nice to see familiar faces returning!
After keeping quiet for some weeks, I feel entitled to ask for my (tiny! easy to implement!) pet feature again:
A keyboard shortcut for "Home", please!
And once that is done: please let "no images"/"show only cached images" propagate to "open link in new tab"-tabs! -
Welcome, welcome, Ruiari!!!
Love to see you're adding those appearances changes as options, as opposed to what the new Opera and most browsers nowadays do. Now the biggest question: how do I change it back to the Dark Grey setting? I can't find the option to change anywhere.
Ruari? From Opera Desktop Team? What a pleasant surprise! Welcome!
Glad to see you here, Ruari! Grats with new job!
And thanks for update. -
So, Ruarí has gone Vivaldi. Not really that surprising
And with him gone, there's probably no familiar face from the past left at Opera for me. Feels weird, man.
But it would feel much worse if there wasn't Vivaldi, that's for sure
Welcome Ruari to the bright side fo force!
Please, highlight title of the window with system color. Gray theme looks like always lost focus…
Hope private mode is soon.
I don't want to nag but I still wanna request auto highlighting of tabstack thumbnail tooltips of the active tab, guys. Preferably a more darker color other than gray or at least the system color of the tab. I hope you have it in the works.
There are not really that many named Ruarí who deals with browser QA and much more
We will have an option for 'Light' and 'Dark' themes later on. Meanwhile, this was a change to the default setting when disabling coloring. Also, we will add the possibility to add your own colors for the entire UI so you can be in complete control.
We will add 'Light' and 'Dark' modes in future updates.
Yeah this is something we hope to get in soon.
Please be more clear about abilities of the Opera 12 which does not present in the other software: mail client, RSS client, custom styles. Just want to know: is your browser will provide these features? And, if yes, when?
Thanks for another very nice Vivaldi build.
As an old Opera user the things I miss most on the navigation side is:
- Unable to use 'backspace' as a back button. AFAIK this default setup in most other browser so it's slightly annoying it doesn't work in Vivaldi.
- The old Opera quick search where you could press enter to go to the link that matches your search. This feature is very useful for navigating file list and trees in cgit for example.
- right click + scroll wheel to bring up a list of tabs and select one.
Spatial navigation is become very nice on Vivaldi indeed. Thanks!