Snapshot ( Feature polish and tons of bug fixes
No need. It's known. Thanks.
That said, I'm dying to see what mail will look like. I assume it will easily import Opera mail files, and wondering if it will be using the data base approach that Opera developed. I'm using Opera standalone mail, pretty good, though I don't see it being updated, sometimes has to be shut down and restarted. Reverts to default sorting, etc…
In my opinion, Opera Mail was great as a part of the browser, but not really anything as a standalone client (compared to Thunderbird for example). Its biggest plus for me was just that - that it was built in. Chopping it off the browser and releasing it by itself was a silly, silly move.
I am, though, still curious to see what mail in Vivaldi will look like.
Confirmed in my stand alone Vivaldi 32 on a Win7-64 system. Mine also has two instance of IE in the File\Import menu as well, as it has for a number of versions now.
Confirmed here on Vista32. No import of Opera 12.x Notes only. I too get the 'forever importing dialog'
Win 7 64 bit with 32 Bit Vivaldi
I had a partial crash but hard to explain, this is what happened.
No1 The browser had been open a long time so I don't know if it was memory leakage
No2 I changed tabs the one I wanted was the one in first opened spot, clicked on it and lost browser screen it went to desktop.
No3 Checked taskmaster and memory 8 gig was almost all used, several Vavaldi open pages shown, audio worked etc. but could not open screen or close. Had to close from taskmaster application tab.
The tab that crashed - was a video playing in it?
Yeah, we know about those partial crashes. And they are annoying indeed since you can't start Vivaldi anew without closing remaining processes in taskmanager first.
Devs are looking into it. -
Hi, same thing happen to me last night, "browser screen it went to desktop", Had to close from taskmanager and it was a video. I click to play the video, it start to play but lost browser screen.
This build still hasn't solved my UI size problem (too small) - bug was reported, but I do not know it's number nor have a contact to add information. I'm locked on TP2 until this is solved. How do I reset my profile / completely uninstall Vivaldi? Even after uninstalling with "remove browsing data", my history, open tabs and preferences (and small UI problem) still reappear with any build after Chrome was updated to 41 . I'm willing to start over with TP3…
I can imagine you guys are working on a lot of things. But I'd like to ask if there's a roadmap or at least a vague ETA for the mail?
First, Thanks you for this greatest browser.
Second, my english is bad.A little bug, I speak spanish (Argentinian) and I like use tittle ('tilde' in spanish, I don't known the word in english for the little line on vowels: á, é, í, ó, ú). Works OK until I leave the process (current tab, or browser) with focus on text field. When return to the tab, tittle not work and I can't use á, é, í, ó, ú… If I click in other part of the page and again in text field all works again.
edit: Linux x64 with KDE 4.14.6 (Sabayon Linux 15.05)
Do you mean there is some bug that was introduced after TP2 and you cannot use newer build because of this bug? What is the bug actually, as I cannot understand it from what you have written.
That would no doubt be the bug where, for unknown reasons, some people's UI text and elements are so tiny, they cannot be read. Others have seen the exact opposite, where the UI is huge. The causes of this are not understood.
I appreciate your work…but I'm sick of Vivaldi incomplete downloads. And Vivaldi restarts from scratch rather than resumes...can't you provide us ftp access to snapshots? please?
Ditto. need ftp access and a free ftp client with resume and multiple streams. V does not update itself reliably.
32 bit Windows 8.1 -
WebSocket connection to 'wss://…' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established.
What you are seeing is a "fix" in Chromium. They decided not to adhere to Windows' scaling settings below 125% dpi. This is good for 50% of users who have huge screens that only want bigger desktop icons and bad for those with small high-res screens that actually need UI to scale. But there will an awesome setting in Vivaldi soon-ish…
Yes and no. Of course it all depends on how things turn out. Thus it's hard to say precisely, but work on mail will be intensified as soon as TP3 is out. So it shouldn't be too long until you get to see it. But no promises there.
Thanks for mentioning. I reported (1) as VB-5264 for you.
Placement is known and an option for that will come eventually. -
That's great information, Christoph142!
I'll wait just a bit more that for that awesome setting! Go VIvaldi!