Feature requests for 1.7
I would love to see a function looked like function of this extension, opens the video without pricisar go in the link, opens a popup of the video. It's a very useful function, it would be nice to have her on Vivaldi by default! Sorry for my English! Thank you!
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/better-youtube-subscripti/kgicdngjllamjgijagdkoalhkpplipnd -
Option to Remove Delete Button from Speed Dial Thumbs
It's far too easy to delete a speed dial slot. Right-click, delete is easy enough, and quite safe.
More Columns for Speed Dial
More Rows for Speed Dial
Reduce the spacing above the speed dials, and reduce the height of the navigation bar.
Custom Images for Speed Dial Thumbs
Let users choose a picture to use for speed dial thumbnails.
Resume Downloads
Peer to Peer File Sharing
A feature like Opera Unite that allows other to access a folder on my hard drive (optionally with a password) to upload or download files.
Image Properties Context menu
Pixel dimensions, file size, format, Exif data, Alt Text, URL and allow copying of image details.
Windows Panel
RSS Feeds Reader
Probably best built-in to the email client WIR.
Option to Switch RMB to LMB + Scrollwheel for Tab Cycliing
Option to hide the trash icon.
Tree-style tab
It is not a function for Vivaldi, but I would very much like it if I had a website to share created themes, colors, background of the Speed Dial etc.
An option for the Fullscreen modus that allows the urlbar or url+tabbar to slide in (for example by hitting the upper border of the screen with the mouse cursor)
Secure saved passwords with a masterpassword!
There was already a 1.7 feature request thread. Is that still going to be looked at?
Click tab stack to cycle through stacked tabs.
It would be nice if we could click on the tab indicator of a tab stack to cycle through the tabs in that stack. -
APNG Support like Opera 12.17
Unattended / silent setup for Windows
To install Vivaldi in an enterprise environment, an unattended setup (with custom options) is required. How about a MSI package?
Furthermore, a possibility of pre-configuration is required.