Text input loosing focus after switching tabs (Google Docs)
Thanks mib. I have subscribed via RSS and will probably come back if there are any developments.
@VoodooPriest How do I follow that bug? I couldn't find the list of bugs anywhere?
Thanks, @mib2berlin. Vivaldi is the best browser I've used to far. I used Firefox (and predecessors) for many, many years until they decided to introduce disruptive updates. Then I switched to Chrome but its password management is cumbersome/buggy. For me, this is the only fault of Vivaldi, except for occasional crashes when opening more than one profile (I use more than one).
It's a shame, because this bug seems quick to fix (I'm not a web-development professional, I use(d) mostly C/C++, Python, Ada/SPARK, etc., and this is a pain: when you come back to the Google Doc and want to paste code unformatted using Ctrl+Shift+V you go to the last web page (without the correct focus I suppose this key combination means back).
Hi, a developer is working on this issue and mentioned Chrome call an internal extension.
I am not familiar with GD, can one test if the focus lost is fixed with installing it?
https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/google-docs-offline/ghbmnnjooekpmoecnnnilnnbdlolhkhiCheers, mib
Unfortunately no. The problem remains with the plugin. I did restart Vivaldi after installing it just to be sure.
Thank you for testing, the developer found out it doesn't help.
Was a false positive, sorry.
Anyway, the developer is actively working on this, I hope we get a fix for this long term issue. -
I've been giving Vivaldi and Brave a test drive and gave up on Brave after a week of use. I'd like to stick with Vivaldi, but the more I use it, the more bugs are unearthed. Bugs that have been reported years ago and are still not fixed. This is one of it. Maybe Vivaldi should aim for stability first, then features, not the other way around.
Hi. Reporting the same issue. I've found a forum where a guy made a macro to fix this issue.
I didn't have the chance to test it, but probably could be helpful as a workaround or for developers.
Edit: btw thanx for such a free and open browser
- Vivaldi Version: 7.0.3495.15 (Stable channel) stable (64-bit)
- Arch Linux x86_64 / GNOME 47.1
Just to let you know, one of the Vivaldi developers recently (past week, I think) identified the root cause of this as an upstream bug and submitted a patch to Chromium, which has been accepted. We should see the fix in an upcoming version of Vivaldi.
I would simply wait a few days or weeks for this fix to be available. -
@VoodooPriest Looks like this fix made its way into the Snapshot release, but I've only done a very quick test. It seemed to work fine in a very simple Google doc when switching tabs.
@Pathduck This is really good news, thank you for reporting this. I use google docs all the time and this issue became a showstopper for me so I started using other browsers. Looking forward to trying it out with the next release.
@thomasgnicholson Please try installing the latest Snapshot as a Standalone, and check if the problem is gone - i.e. dont trust me, check yourself
A Standalone is a completely separate install and won't touch your existing install, can be installed anywhere.