Comic | Render Problems
What method are you using to copy the "Headers" data?
Mine is formatted in a different way (results getting displayed below the data). I'm using Windows "Copy" function and then pasting that (from the clipboard) to the forum topic.
@Pathduck - How do I create the "HAR" file (as far as specifics) - I'm not able to observe the screen-shot you've posted in the topic on the former page (as illustrated below):
@VivaLaUSA You click the button I have highlighted in the screenshot.
In the devtools network log. It even shows in the images you posted.
Vivaldi = Chromium.What method are you using to copy the "Headers" data?
I'm just selecting all and copying+pasting. Then I'm doing a little search+replace to remove line breaks after the colons to make it shorter overall.
Maybe the browser is loading from cache, so try Ctrl+F5. But the remote address should still show, along with several other headers you don't have in your log.
But the headers are not that important any longer, we know you're getting the wrong IP.
So perform the command line steps I posted earlier.
Also, under
, in the DNS Lookup field, fill
and hit Lookup. The result should be a string like:
Resolved IP addresses of "": ["",""].
Did the following:
Reloaded Start-page - no change regarding Comic Widget (at least it appears we're getting the results we should in the second screen-shot).
@VivaLaUSA OK look like now you're at least getting the correct IP. Now try all the other things again - try opening the url directly (it's probably changed since yesterday), look at the headers and make sure the response code is 200 OK and that the header Remote Address is the expected one.
Also clear cache again.
Reload the page with Ctrl+F5.
Save a HAR file if necessary. -
I want to thank you (and everyone else) - for trying to help out regarding this Widget rendering issue (that occur for a limited number of specific browsers).An overview of where I stand:
The issue persists (all the time) however with both Vivaldi and Pale Moon browsers and actually from what I can tell Google Chrome as well every time I check it, but since I don't use Chrome I don't check it that often - some other browsers exhibit the issue occasionally (~1-5% of the time, I.e. Brave, Edge and Opera to name a few). While other browsers virtually never exhibit the issue, i.e. Floorp, Epic and Ghostery to name a few.I've turned over a lot of info to support and gotten back a couple of replies - they thanked me for the data points and report that they continue to investigate the issue, specifically whatever problems there may be with "" as to why the Widget fails to render specifically in both the browsers I've reported, Vivaldi and Pale Moon.
This may take some time - I'll change to browsers that work (at least for now) and wait for the support findings at some point.
So thanks again for all the help.
@VivaLaUSA Well, hopefully you've learned enough troubleshooting tips and devtool stuff to better figure out whatever strange mysterious web site issue befalls you in your next "working" browser