[BUG] Vivaldi doesn't support OPML files correctly.
Vivaldi doesn't seem to correctly support the OPML file format. The specifications for the Outline Processor Markup Language purpose is to exchange information that can be then viewed through an outliner. An outliner is a computer application that produces a hierarchically arranged outline of the logical structure of a text document.
Vivaldi does not display RSS feeds in a hierarchically arranged outline. All Vivaldi has done is use OPML to exchange information about the location of the RSS feeds. They have not implemented an outliner, so they lack the support of OPML.
Any idea on when this bug will be fixed?
@TedT No.
i guess they intend to implement it later when they get around to it. So IMHO "not yet there", so not a bug.
That said, i still stick with Opera12, for its Mail and Feed reader features, which i haven't yet found a worthy replacement for:
Things missing yet in Vivaldi (and half implemented in Thunderbird):
Dynamic Mail filter folders (Ok Thunderbird has dynamic search result "folders", Vivaldi "Filters", but really, do they have to be updated manually?)
Feeds update rhythm taken from the containing folder (well, OPML doesn't transport this 8^(
Feed hierarchic folders (Thunderbird 1. tries importing that and then 2. fails at 3rd level, just throwing those feeds together without title)
Feed reading folderwise (Thunderbird forces reading single feeds or those 3rd level "accidental summary" folders)
Just my €0,02.
-- rec00k -
Stick with Opera Presto too
Can't find better RSS client -
Can't import opml files in https://github.com/plenaryapp/awesome-rss-feeds?tab=readme-ov-file#Categories
To me the opml files appear to be correct but I could be wrong and don't know about properties requirements in opml files.
Hi, do you get this message?I test the file with Akregator feed reader on Linux and get the same error.
Cheers, mib
@mib2berlin yes, same message. I also generated an opml file from vivaldi's export function and compared the two. Between the without category and vivaldi's own export the differences seem minimal but if it also doesn't work with Akregator...
The outline entries are identical with one less property property on vivaldi's export:
<outline type="rss" text="Vivaldi Browser" title="Vivaldi Browser" xmlUrl="https://vivaldi.com/feed/"/>
<outline text="Updates" title="Updates" description="The latest and freshest updates from the Web teams at Google. Chrome, V8, tooling, and more." xmlUrl="https://developers.google.com/web/updates/rss.xml" type="rss" />
The order is different and I don't know if there are requirements there.
On the head part there is a dateCreated tag on vivaldi's export and the opml file I tried to import has more fields:
<head> <title>Vivaldi Feed Reader Export</title> <dateCreated>Tue, 29 Oct 2024 23:27:30 GMT</dateCreated> </head>
<head> <title>Export from Plenary</title> <url>https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.spians.plenary</url> <ownerName>Spians Labs</ownerName> <ownerEmail>[email protected]</ownerEmail> </head>
I am sorry I am not familiar with .opml files, I don't even use feeds.
Can you import the Vivaldi .opml file in Agregator? -
@mib2berlin vivaldi's file works as expected but I now know the issue after some editing. One of the descriptions as a "&" and that is a problem. Most probably it should be an entity and not the char itself...
So all working as expected.