Sync email/RSS/Calendar configurations and seen/read statuses
@pauloaguia Where it can be track? Is pool requests exists?
The magic issue number to keep an eye out for is VB-95167.
I can't make any promises on whether or when it will be completed, though.
Configuring Vivaldi mail isn't very intuitive, so syncing between installation would be a welcome feature.
Work on VB-98352 is in progress.
@p3748 Same here plus same options on mobile vivaldi for android phones, tablets, linuxbooks, chromebooks.
This feature will make me a permanent user of Vivaldi.
@DoctorG said in Sync email/RSS/Calendar configurations and seen/read statuses:
Work on VB-98352 is in progress.
This topic is not yet tagged as IN PROGRESS
@pauloaguia I just spent so much time configuring my mail filters and rss feeds. To find out that I'll have to do it all over again on my laptop kinda makes me just want to avoid using those extensions until it gets updated
@mcardlebri Same here, a real bummer, I tried copying my appdata folder to my laptop, but this should be handled by vivaldi sync, not by me moving files around. Upvote!
Ya you shouldn't have to redo these settings after a new install of the software
Still no sync in Vivaldi 7.0
I've been wanting to give Vivaldi's email and RSS a try since they were release, but I work on to many different machines for that to be practical without sync.
@jedfrechette I use Vivaldi Mail on about five different devices. Thanks to IMAP, I don't find the lack of sync terribly problematic.
@SilverWF Ciertamente, poder guardar en "sync" las configuraciones del correo: usuarios/servidores/contraseñas/... sería maravilloso, ya que si por algún motivo tienes que formatear el equipo y reinstalar Vivaldi, simplemente con loguearte, tendrías el navegador tal y como lo tenías configurado.
Certainly, being able to save the email settings in "sync": users/servers/passwords/... would be wonderful, since if for some reason you have to format the computer and reinstall Vivaldi, simply by logging in, you would have the browser just as you had it configured.
@Ayespy Nadie ha dicho que sea algo "terriblemente problemático", simplemente que es un "plus" de comodidad. También depende de cuántas cuentas de correo tengas que configurar cada vez que hagas una restauración del sistema. Cosa que también ocurre, por ejemplo en "Mail" en MacOS/Windows, que tampoco guarda la configuración de cuentas de correo.
Nobody has said that it is something "terribly problematic", simply that it is a "plus" of comfort. It also depends on how many email accounts you have to configure each time you do a system restore. Which also happens, for example in "Mail" in MacOS/Windows, which also does not save email account settings.