Has anyone gotten Export Feeds to work in 6.7?
Because it doesn't work for me. The other export commands ask for a save location, etc., but Export Feeds just closes without doing anything.
I've got the latest 6.7 build, on Win 11.
@fred8615 Seems to fail the first time but works the second time. This is the error I get on first try:
Failed to execute 'showSaveFilePicker' on 'Window': Must be handling a user gesture to show a file picker
So yeah, there is a problem, but you should still be able to export them.
If not, you can use @LonM’s script for exporting feeds. Issue from the developer tools for the UI and it will save to your standard download folder without notice.
vivaldi.prefs.get("vivaldi.rss.settings", feeds => { function html(str){return str.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>');} let opml = feeds.reduce((acc, feed) => { return acc + `\n<outline type="rss" text="${html(feed.title)}" title="${html(feed.title)}" xmlUrl="${html(feed.url)}"/>`; }, `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><opml version="1.0"><head><title>Feeds exported from Vivaldi</title></head><body>`); opml += `\n</body></opml>`; const filename = "exportedfeeds_"+new Date().toISOString()+".opml"; const textfile = new File([opml], filename, {type: "text/xml"}); const dl = document.createElement("a"); dl.download = filename; dl.setAttribute("href", window.URL.createObjectURL(textfile)); dl.click(); });
This problem only seems to occur when trying to access exporting feeds through the main menu. You can for example open quick commands and type “export feeds” and it will work. Or you can assign a keyboard shortcut or mouse gesture, will work too.
Still doesn't work in 6.8.
PPathduck moved this topic from Vivaldi for Windows on
@fred8615 Works for me. Try on a fresh profile. Create just one feed, export it. If that works, try to import a backup of your feeds and then export it.
We are aware of an issue where the menu sometimes does not work (VB-107552). As a workaround, you can restart Vivaldi, press Ctrl+E to bring up the Quick Command Prompt, and type “export feeds”. This should work even when the menu fails to bring up the dialog.
This issue should be fixed in the new Vivaldi 3405.3 snapshot (test version).