Arching Floorpians
So... we need a way to import Vivaldi Notes to Floorp... this sounds nasty... is it possible somehow? Some advice preferably from an experienced Firefox
power-user would be good, from someone additionally lurking in r/Firefox and participating in some "insider" Firefox community even better. How to find and/or contact those peeps?Also, trying to apply let's say Floorp Default
here... if you set it once it is saved and OK, but if you apply something different afterwards, then return to Floorp Default to reapply it, it restarts the browser but it is not set this time, or it is not "visible" . Time to examine the internals of Firefox again... -
@npro i read the post that occupied this link, a few hours ago. i've just re-read it now. it has changed quite a lot...
How to find and/or contact those peeps?
tis fair to say, methinks, that
nobody per an earlier post of mine, in one of the other threads, atm i still have not managed to solve the basic question of which file stores all the actual text content of the floorp notes tool. tbh i feel pretty frustrated about it. that stupid file
continues to not show any later file-edits in dolphin than 24 October, which is plainly ridiculous. hence i still suspect that, weirdly, the actual data might be subsumed into another file whose name is not immediately intuitive to my untrained eye. until this mystery is solved, i certainly would not have any idea about whether we can import / sledgehammer the vivaldi notes data into here.the floorp dev does visit the reddit sub of floorp, & does answer some questions there [mainly to say "i can't do that, i'm too busy studying, i have no time" ]... but i have no reddit account & certainly am not gonna create one in that cesspit, so i have no way to ask. instead [& this is plainly totally inefficient & atm also ineffective] i merely passively read the floorp subreddit each day, hoping someone else might ask about it.
trying to apply let's say Floorp Default
hereyep this seems badly bugged afaict. not only do changes seem to not "stick", but each time i've tried, it seems to semi-crash floorp [after a slight delay]. tbh i gave up on this area weeks ago, & instead just use a cut-down version of my nightly
in my floorp subdirectory. -
@ybjrepnfr said in Floorp.:
TST+ several of its companion addons
It's quite impressive how many of them there are
@npro historically, most of that functionality was natively within
. some years ago the dev made an odd decision; they wanted to reduce tst down to what they regarded as "core functions" only, with all the removed functions then handled by a bunch of companion addons, all of which the dev hoped the community would take over & maintain themselves [which in some cases has indeed happened]. the reason i called it "odd" is that the dev removed stuff i consider core not ancillary, like mouse-scroll, tab hibernation, tab-flip etc. it really irritates me to have to have tst + many associated AOs installed now, vssidebery
where all these things [& more] remain all together in the one AO.btw, do you know the AO
Tile Tabs WE
? it's one of my mandatory AOs. whilst vivaldi's native tab-tiling is better in some ways, this AO is still v good at giving nice t/t functionality to the foxes & forks. i use it heaps of the time. it behaves a bit erratically insidebery
unfortunately, but is rock-solid intst
, so that's one added benefit of my return to tst over sidebery in floorp. operationally ofc it's really just a "cheat" way to generate temporary additional windows [which is the main reason v's is better], yet even so, once you've learned how to use it, it's really convenient. -
@ybjrepnfr said in Arching Floorpians:
reduce tst down to what they regarded as "core functions" only
sounds familiar :cough: "wayland" :cough:
Tile Tabs WE [...] erratically in sidebery
yeah I tried that a few years back but as in your case it was not working well along my Kwin (tiling) scripts so I ditched it, but these days I mostly use keyboard shortcuts for tiling etc, so I guess I could give it another try - if I can figure out what it tries/wants to do lol -
P.S. for those interested this is the TST's addons list:
Floorp update brings
Split view
/though it needs to be integrated into
as well... -
@npro ooooh, an update! my stupid modem refused to talk to the interwebz for a while after first power-on this morn, so atm i'm behind on things i'd normally already have checked, like updates. goody goody!
@npro is that now both mj and eos that've now [belatedly] changed their defaults to plasma?
in the translated release notes:
Several design settings have been deprecated. These will be removed in a future update.
@ybjrepnfr said in Arching Floorpians:
in the translated release notes:
Several design settings have been deprecated. These will be removed in a future update.
I always forget how to get rid of those disgusting CSD-GTK-GNOME buttons
wasn't it ticking Title Bar in the edited toolbar? But iirc there was also a setting in about:config that I can't find...
@npro heehee, me be prolly not a good one to ask atm, coz yep i also noticed i've had these ever since my initial floorp installation, despite my disabling the native frame, so i assumed [without further investigation, coz me be LAZY] that maybe they hardcoded it into floorp?
...doesn't work
@npro said in Arching Floorpians:
just this update broke it
that is odd then, coz i've now done two [iirc] updates since my initial install, & all three had these.