Sync email/RSS/Calendar configurations and seen/read statuses
please, count my vote in as well; I use Vivaldi as a Web OS, just tried Mail - it's lovely and it would be a semi-final step for my switch (integrating messengers in a right way, not like Ferdi, would be the final one).
by the way, it's one of the killer feature on Spark Mail client, if you would be looking for some inspiration; if not that way, I would appreciate if everything except for the passwords would be synchronized - re-adding every new account is a problem, but just adding a password is not.
I was unpleasantly surprised on OS reinstall that Vivaldi doesn't save RSS feeds. I can see how syncing emails is complicated but feeds are just about those xml urls, not very different from Bookmarks.
It would be really wonderful to see syncing E-mail accounts, RSS feed links settings and calendars.
Login, Pass, Mail servers and ports, Sender name, Account name, SignRSS:
Feed name and addressCalendar:
Type, (for Google) Name, account name, chosen calsI don't think syncing that info could be unrealistic to do, but for me as users this will be insanely cool!
Syncing Read/Unread on mails:
I still wonder if this is just a bug or an uncompleted feature.
I have two PCs with Vivaldi Mail client and one android smart phone with K9 mail client and IMAP accounts.
Email R/U Status in Vivaldi is synced in either direction (K9 to Vivaldi and vv, Vivaldi to Vivaldi) as long as Vivaldi is running.
If any of the Vivaldi clients is offline (PC in standby of off), it does not fetch the R/U changes of the other Vivaldi or the K9 client after powering it up again.
BTW the K9 client is always up to date with the R/U status.
Any confirms?Didn't check if this is valid for RSS feeds as well.
for reliable sync of email and RSS read/unread status. As this is daily annoyance.
Hi, I use the same email client, K9 and Vivaldi mail client.
My main mail account is sycned on all devices, Linux, Windows and Android.
All set up as IMAP clients and if I read one mail on K9 it is marked as read in the Vivaldi mail client but I have to change to a different folder and back to make it appear.Cheers, mib
@ClausR I have only IMAP accounts and, like @mib2berlin , I don't have any message status synchronization there other than it sometimes taking a few seconds to update them or the occasional having to change folder to see it updated.
As for the RSS feed messages, there is no sync at the moment. If you have Vivaldi's RSS client in two different devices, you'll have to manually deal with the message in both (that was actually one of the reasons why I specified the reading status in my original post, because the RSS messages issue is more complicated than email messages, as there is no status stored on the server for RSS messages like there is with email).
I vote for the syncing of RSS, email, and calendar!
I support this and would love to see it implemented too!
Upvote. I assumed i just wasn't finding this feature.
As others have said, mail & calendar are generally handled with the IMAP/POP3 nature, those should sync from each device back to the host.
But Feeds don't have a central server/host, and I'd really expect my subscriptions, and ideally the read-status, to sync. That seems functionally equivalent to bookmarks?
Adding my voice to this feature - one thing really holding me back from investing time/energy into mail and feeds is the lack of syncing.
I also vote in favor of this!
@bobjackman said in Sync email/RSS/Calendar configurations and seen/read statuses:
I also vote in favor of this!
Then you should go back to the first post and turn that hand green
Because I don't see your vote there yet.
starting with IMAP (which only need account data to be synced) would be great.
POP probably still need a manual export for local mailboxes (I'm figuring huge accounts people could have). -
I voted for this feature, but honestly, I'd be fine with just source sync, or maybe the ability to import/export OPML
@Firefox said in Sync email/RSS/Calendar configurations and seen/read statuses:
I voted for this feature, but honestly, I'd be fine with just source sync, or maybe the ability to import/export OPML
I proposed the feature, but yes, syncing the Feed / Mail / Calendar settings would already be a great improvement.
As for OPML import it's already possible (although with some limitations):
I have the same email logged in on two devices. When I have one with filters and one without I run into all kinds of problems because my email doesn't line up.
I came here for to for -everything- @pauloaguia said.
We should definitely be able to sync email accounts (and choose which ones not to sync if there are multiple)
Definitely should be able to sync feeds and calendars as well.
@pauloaguia Where it can be track? Is pool requests exists?
The magic issue number to keep an eye out for is VB-95167.
I can't make any promises on whether or when it will be completed, though.
Configuring Vivaldi mail isn't very intuitive, so syncing between installation would be a welcome feature.