Manifest V3, webRequest, and ad blockers
@julien_picalausa if it is native it shouldn't rely on the extensions API at all, though may use some of the internal parts used to implement it, possibly the wording of the article was misleading
@zakius: It's not relying on the extension API. It's relying on an underlying, internal API, which is also used by the extension API.
@kalebepalasouza we are well aware it is ABP compatible so when using the same lists it will perform the same, but uBO has a lot of extra functionalities that help a lot and that's what we're asking for, uBO when using the most basic mode with no extra config is merely the more performant option (than other extensions), but when user decides to dive deeper (and we are here exactly for that) the whole new world of possibilities appears
@pathduck: You can see what is blocked using devtools. It won't tell you which rule caused the blocking though. But I agree it would be useful to have.
@julien_picalausa: I have a crazy idea. Why not integrate Ublock origin within Vivaldi? I noticed that the current Vivaldi ad blocker and tracker is relatively less efficient and effective compare to Brave shields and Ublock origin itself.
MV3 from what I heard (correct me if I am wrong), will limit the powers of any adblock even the legendary UBO. Sure your adblock will survive but looking at its current state idk how well it might do in the future. Why not work with the UBO team?
@julien_picalausa said in Manifest V3, webRequest, and ad blockers:
You can see what is blocked using devtools.
That's what I do now. Then I disable the active lists one by one until I find the culprit. Then search through it trying to find the rule in question and see if I can make an exception in my personal list.
Generally I just use uBO - this is more for troubleshooting other user's problem
Let's say it was really tricky to figure out a couple of days ago when the EasyPrivacy list ended with just
Since Vivaldi's cosmetic filtering is currently quite poor and many websites can identify the Vivaldi Ad-Block, I wish all of Ublock's functions are included into it. Even though I am aware that Ublock is still usable on desktop, the problem with Ublock not blocking ads and trackers in web panels has not yet been resolved. I occasionally experience pop-up advertisements, is that normal? Stock Chrome doesn't even permit these pop-up advertisements to display. Brave and Ublock, in my opinion, are significantly superior to Vivaldi. Even if Brave doesn't have thorough logs, it is still a far better browser than Vivaldi, therefore I switch to it.
Isn't there a way to keep Manifest V2 alongside the V3 ? Could V maintain that code ?
Has the idea of collaborating with other Chrome based browsers to keep Manifest V2 and create an alternative extensions store come up at any time?
Perhaps, wise to move away from Chrome?
uBlock Origin has become a such an essential extension, that it makes sense to use the browser that supports it the best.
I don't see the point of using an internal Vivaldi ad-blocker because it's too basic and uBlock Origin exists.
@Cqoicebordel guess it will be a chromium enterprise policy: usually they last for months and then go out of support. You still may need to side load and whitelist the extension IDs because they could be still marked as unsupported, then.
V-team is pretty much waiting active chromium/ext-devs response to react. Is a big ecosystem. -
I have no doubt that Vivaldis blocker will continue to do its job well, the main problem I see is that with Mv3 the Chrome Store loses validity for other privacy extensions, since these cease to exist in the Store or only continue in a "decaffeinated" form. This means, the most complicated thing for the team is going to create a own store, at least for the most relevant extensions.
In any case, I recommend for those who want to avoid surprises and privacy gaps, to use for the desktop apps such as Pi-Hole or better Portmaster. -
Said:Even if Vivaldi somehow managed to keep extensions relying on manifest v2 functional, these extensions will disappear from the webstore…
There is no problem if they are not in the Chrome webstore.
You could download uBO from Github:
I celebrate and am grateful that Vivaldi has an ad-blocker built-in, but the Dev team should do everything possible to keep the MV2 operative so we can continue to use the original uBO.
@barbudo2005 As long V2 is supported in the blink core, officially or with caveats
@barbudo2005 , yes, you can install any extensión you want from extern sources, but they don't update automaticly in this manner, you must do it by hand every x time.
@Catweazle Should be also said that update schedule for borked-by-v3 extensions will be a lot slower.
Not too much reason hassle for constant updates if fewer people can get them. -
@Hadden89 , anyway, sooner or later a Vivaldi Store is going to be a must
@Catweazle Yes, but not for the adblocking matter. Just to have a certified list without the unreleated clutter which is in the Chrome Store
@Hadden89 , yes, Google is less and less a reliable source.
they don't update automaticly in this manner, you must do it by hand every x time.
Have no doubt that uBO users would do anything to keep it operational.
As long V2 is supported in the blink core, officially or with caveats.
Of course, I do not expect that the Dev team to work miracles.