Solved Mail search feature not working at all
@mottenmouse bug report with some Screenshots maybe.
Hi, does anybody with search issues use POP3?
Cheers, mib
Bug report ist VB-81841 and I have sent the corresponding pictures.
@mottenmouse Also seeing something similar and when using fts5 search on a specific field.
As an example:
Even the initial count of 59 in this one is wrong.
Also and for the full email address sampled above:
searching this -> from:"fullmail@address" gives 0 results
searching this -> from: fullmail@address gives 3 resultsThis is on snapshots since I don't have a stable instance with email enabled.
@jon I see some emails displayed, but dozens of emails that match the search criteria are missing.
I just wrote a thread about the same issue.
The search does work in the latest stable, but not in latest snapshot. -
We will be looking into this all shortly. This is a priority. Clearly the search has to be 100% correct. There are some issues we need to work out.
@jon Thank you Jon! I appreciate it.
And - just to make clear: It is only the latest snapshot with the disfunction I experience. -
@dancer18 It may be true that the stable version seems to work for your database. However, this is largely dependent on your specific search criteria. It makes no difference whether stable or snapshot or IMAP or POP3. In any case, it is possible that the search will show incorrect results.
The general problem is knowing that something is missing, and this is rather random.
Today, ironically, I have the problem of searching for a mail from "[email protected]". In this case (Linux) 4 different results, which are extremely different.
@jon Is it still useful to write bug reports regarding the mail search at this time? It would also be very helpful for everyone to have a note in the changelog that the mail search does not work 100%.
@mottenmouse , I think it is worthwhile to report issues for sure. We need to figure out what is failing and as much detail as possible. We have already discovered some issues relating to searching for contact names when the name is not in the mail itself, but rather is in the contact list. People then expect to be able to find that sender, but the search fails. We need to figure a way around that as even though the search is right, it is still wrong from the user´s perspective. There are likely other issues, but we need to figure them out.
I do not think we need to add more comment on the beta of mail. It is a beta. There are issues. We just need to work on fixing them.
@jon Thank you for the quick reply and the honest words. This is the reason why I use Vivaldi, even with bugs.
Another detailed bug report will follow. -
@jon @mottenmouse
To give more details to the issue I experienced today:
I put in 3 characters -aok
of an existing email-adress:
[email protected].
That gave no results in latest snapshot and all 5 results in latest stable. -
I pretty much reset my profile (I just moved some stuff like bookmarks, notes and history etc. - basically the files but not folders in the ~.*/vivaldi/Default directory and search seems to work correctly now on 4.1 stable.
Only Vivaldi started to refuse to send most e-mails from one of my accounts - errors when sending e-mails also seem to be common here on the forum. What is weird that these are very simple e-mails. Previously, only specific e-mails would not get send, replies with something weird quoted with them - deleting the history of the mail would solve the issue. But I am difressing in this thread.
Edit: So search is broken again. I think it was caused by me deleting one account without also deleting its mail from disk and then readding the account.
Hi, instead of reset the whole profile you can try to remove the mail database. I guess you use IMAP and all mails are stored on the server so nothing gets lost.
Remove your mail account.
Close Vivaldi and delete the database:Default\Storage\ext\mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli
Open Vivaldi and add your account.
I have "Prefetch full mail" enabled, it need some time but you don´t have to fetch again if you open old mails.
I have only a few hundred mails and it need two minutes or so, no idea how long it need to fetch 300000 mails, maybe a hour?Cheers, mib
MX Linux just upgraded my Vivaldi to 4.1.2369.15 and search still doing the same things it has been for me. Sigh. I had hopes.
@mib2berlin Thanks, I know, I have tried that before:-).
For others - I am starting to think my troubles are connected to (caused?) by prefetchign e-mail. When I check it, search stops working. When it is unchecked (after reseting my e-mail accounts), it seems to work. Prefetching also seems to be unreliable for me - it reports errors and sometimes does not finishes. I wonder is something in the mailbox of my provider might be confusing Vivaldi...
Yes. I got it working. I don't know which parts of this are necessary but I deleted my mail account in vivaldi settings and selected the option to delete the local database, waited until it was done, closed vivaldi, deleted the Default\Storage\ext\mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli folder, started vivaldi again (it created a new folder automatically) then I added my gmail account again and selected the OAuth option, though I don't know if that matters. Once it was set up it started indexing and I could search again.
Same search problem here.
I have received some e-mails from friend [email protected], I leaved some of them unread, older ones as read, but if I search for them Vivaldi gives me no results. -
There's actually a fix for mail search in the works.