Solved Mail search feature not working at all
@jon "No messages in selected view". AND I CAN SEE THE MAIL I'M "SEARCHING" FOR IN THE LIST!!!
Edit: Oops. Didn't answer the question of how many emails. For "All Messages," it's 8048. For my AOL Inbox, it's 6847. In both instances I'm using the rightmost number.
Same thing after rebooting my laptop. No results from any search. Weird! Was working only a few days ago!
Yes, that is weird indeed. How long do you wait for the result? How many mails are you searching through?
@jon Well, I just searched my "Bulk Mail" (A.K.A. spam folder) for "sex" and got nothing. I clean it out regularly, so there were less than 35 items in there. Numbers don't seem to matter.
The size of the overall database is the real number of interest here. Number of mails. Anyways, I need the people that wrote this code to help, but a lot of them are on vacation at this time.
@jon Well, I presume that would be the numbers for the "All Messages", which are over 8K. I would hope the database could handle waaay more than that, of course -- and it sure seemed to have earlier.
No rush. I have things to do too, and I still use Thunderbird when necessary to search ("filter") or Blue Mail on the droids.
I do feel like I'm a part of your testing team, sir! I keep finding these things.... Keep up the good work.
Oh yeah -- is it time to enter a bug report yet, or wait for the devs to return from vacation and moan when they see this?
Thanks. This is very helpful. 8K messages is not a lot indeed. I have more than 600k mails and I feel sometimes things could be a bit faster. That is something we are working on. With anything less than a few hundred thousand mails, things tend to be very fast.
Feel free to report a bug. The guys will need to have a look when they come back. Likely they will ask you to check the console log and stuff like that. A simple fix is likely a new profile, but that should not really be necessary.
@durhammer I have reported mail search issues here
and wrote bug report VB-75874 about it. I was asked to reindex my database (steps here ) to see if that solved the issue (it didn't then).
Like you I'd be happy to support in any way hunting down the issue but need instructions what to do / test / look for. I thought I had it nailed down with VB-79700 but that only covers mails that appear in more than one imap folder, which doesn't seem to be your issue.
@wildente @jon Don't know what changed with Vivaldi 4.0.2312.41, which just came in with my MX Linux upgrade package this morning, but I can search mail again.
@Ayespy This is the kind of thing that I guess I was getting at in the Jira inquiry. If there was a change log that showed what bugs were fixed, that would be great, but you'd also have to show a summary of what the bugs were in the first place.
Edit: Five minutes later -- spoke too soon! I can only search SOME things. In either my AOL Inbox or in the All Messages view, I can search for "ziggma" (financial newsletter) and see messages for that source, but if I search for say the last name of a correspondent -- a message from which I can see in the list, I get crickets (okay, I get the "No messages in selected view" error).
For grins, I was looking for search terms in the view of subjects in the "All Messages" folder, and chose to search for "grill". While the message I could *see did not show, two messages from the wayback (from 2015 and 2011) do, but oddly in the middle of the column -- space both above and below the two. Finally, in the status bar, which I was recently pointed to, I keep seeing the note "Search for grills returned 8 results in [n]ms." (Where [n] varies, so the search/filter must be ongoing -- why?)
OK. Interesting. This is something we have to evaluate further when the guys come back. We will figure it out.
...And clicking on things in the search box trying to find if there are options or settings there to control just what gets searched, I must have clicked on the "Save" button, 'cause I now have two "grills" filters. If I click on either, I can see all 8 found results, but I couldn't initially.
Yet another curiosity -- under my AOL account, next to the "Sent" (paper airplane?) icon is a "stuck" status message about "Prefetching 4%" and if I hover over that, I see "Sent 406 new in 338 unread of 10921 messages". Ah -- it JUST changed to "Prefetching 5%" and sometimes it shows "Busy 5%" AND it's now moved to the Inbox, and on the status bar, now looks like my AOL account must have over 67K emails. Oh....
Sorry, should have remembered this from the >100% CPU usage post, @jon -- I just had to restart Vivaldi due to the upgrade, so it's prefetching everything again. I would hope there would be a way to keep that from happening if it already had been prefetched in an older session!
It should not prefetch again. It should continue prefetching if there are mails that have not been prefetched. Looks like you are running into a lot of issues. That is unfortunate. More stuff to look into when the guys get back.
I have had that too (no search at all). I resetted my profile and that fixed it. What sometimes happens to me is that I type a search that yields no result and if I try to trace it back (by deleting a few characters), search does not work untilI delete it and change a view (say from All Messages to Unread). At least that is what I think it does, it does not happen that often and search to me feels unreliable anyway, so I never know what is the reason why I am not finding anything.
Searching for people's name that are in their e-mail adresses does not work much - I now learnt to double click people's emails to find e-mails from them and that is reliable, but for trickier searches I log onto Gmail. What is weird is that Vialdi usually finds some e-mails but not all (but even M2 was worse at searching than gmail - I guess it might have been because of the fuzziness, my language - Czech - uses cases so words have different forms based on their position in the sentence and Vivaldi does not get this but Gmail does, I think).
I admire Durkhammer's dedication, I try to report bugs that I can get my head around, but a lot of issues with mail are elusive, it feels akward to fill in bugs "search somehow does not work":-).
Search just needs to work. Anything we can do to understand where it fails benefits all who want this client and Vivaldi to succeed. Count me in but please let me know what to look for because right now, all I can contribute is finding odd examples where it fails.
I think finding those examples is what we need. Arnar will be back next week and he told me he would have a look. There are basically some bugs and we need to figure them out. The search is crucial. Personally I use it all the time and it works pretty well for me, but we need to find out those edge cases that you all are seeing. We will.
Can problems be caused by the mailboxes and not Vivaldi per se?
I tried playing with search and it is truly weird.
I have a contact who I e-mail every day [email protected] - when I search for "XXX", her e-mails are found, but only the ones received before June 21. It is possible on that day I refetched my e-mails the last time (I try to reset my e-mails regularly to see if it solves issues, it usually just changes them :-)). When double-clicking on her email, all e-mails are corectly shown.
When searching for "noreply", for some reason I get as first result an e-mail from December 20 2020, then one from June 10, June 13 and then they start to be correctly ordered from June 18. What is even more weird, those e-mails do not seem to contain "noreply" anywhere in them.
I would think this must be some sort of database corruption because the results are kind of random. I wonder if it is because I just deleted the e-mail accounts from Vivaldi interface but have not removed them from the disk? Or maybe I somehow messed my profiles why trying to reset them? But the problems usually reappear in some form when I try to completely reset Mail according to instructions here on the forum,so I am thinking, could it be my IMAP inboxes of my providers? However, searchin in the webmails yields correct results. But beyond search, everything seems mostly to work (bar occasional problem with Vivaldi refusing to send e-mail to particular people or some e-mails from one of my accounts not appearing in unread). I must say I appreciate why it took you so long to reach even Technical preview:-).
Anyway, I am waiting for 4.1 to try to reset my mail from the ground up once more and if the issues reappear, I would report them as best as I can. In my experience, search never truly worked.
@felagund , are you using snapshot or 4.0? In any case, I would say those issues you see are in Vivaldi Mail and not on the server. There seems to be some consistency to some contacts not being found and the like. We need to look into what is wrong there.
Those were random examples - some strings yield results from June and back, some from today, top results are usually wrongly filtered by day... what seems to me to be the case is that searches for something specific, something that only a few dozens mails contain, are usable (though they still sometimes include results that clearly should not be there). Also searches for something I only mailed about since June seems to be better (for example a name of somebody I started exchangind e-mails with only recently). I cannot really find any pattern at all. The only thing is that the searches are reproducible - they do not change from one search to another (even as I get new mails, I think -I search for that contact I mentioned above regularly, it alwyas finds the mail from June 21 and the ones from before - I use it to double click on her mail to find recent mails from her, it is my colleague). I really do not know how to report a bug. I would be happy to allow somebody distant access to play with my mailbox for a bit, but I myself do not know how to diagnose this at all. But I will recreate my mailboxes and see if hte problem persists.
@felagund said in Mail search feature not working at all:
I tried playing with search and it is truly weird.
I have a contact who I e-mail every day [email protected] - when I search for "XXX", her e-mails are found, but only the ones received before June 21. It is possible on that day I refetched my e-mails the last time (I try to reset my e-mails regularly to see if it solves issues, it usually just changes them :-)). When double-clicking on her email, all e-mails are corectly shown.
You may be on to something - I have also noticed many times that my search results seem to end sometime around March, which could very well be the last time I did a major install from scratch of Vivaldi on this laptop...
@pauloaguia in VB-80289 "Show from sender" does not show all messages from sender" I found that after setting up an imap account and sending 3 messages to it, only the last 2 showed by choosing "show messages from sender". Deleting the account and setting it up again, the messages were there but selecting to show all messages from sender returned 0 results. I hypothesized that only messages received after setting up the account would be shown. Similar to what you describe but the other way around