Doubt: Page Tiling
@Nlope From what I understood, currently it's the normal behavior for links to open in a new tab outside of the page tiling but it's been requested to open new link inside page tiling. Maybe it'll be implemented one day...
@gaelle This is a bit off-topic now, because I'm on the windows subforum and using macos, but links open for me in the tiled tab by default already. That's probably a difference in behaviour between versions of Vivaldi on different operating systems then. And I do think it makes sense, it's what I would expect.
@luetage said in Doubt: Page Tiling:
@Nlope Maybe I want to visit the link in the same tab? If you want to open it in another tab you can always middle click. But as said, page tiling isn't broken for me when I click a link – this is certainly a bug.
Let me see if I can express myself better ... I'm with Tab Liting enabled (display The Vivaldi forum and Facebook for example) then I open a link in any of the mentioned pages, the link opens normally as it is to be. Meanwhile the Tab Liting is undone? Meanwhile, Tab Liting is undone, you know? -
@Nlope Sorry - not familiar with the word "liting." Can you check your translation or spelling?
@Ayespy said in Doubt: Page Tiling:
@Nlope Sorry - not familiar with the word "liting." Can you check your translation or spelling?
In the translation into Portuguese of the resource stays anyway, this is the resource of this iconlocated near the zoom buttons on the page.
@luetage thanks for your input. I’m on Mac so maybe that’s why. Or maybe it was even added recently in the settings, so I should check it out again to make sure I have it enabled. I agree with you that behavior is also what I’d expect.
@Nlope You're killing me. There is no such word in English. Also, I have no such icon on my Vivaldi version . Is there a specific page? Perhaps you mean "tiling." It seems that if you open a link on a tiled page, the tiling is undone?
I see - you are referring to the "Tiling" icon (the square without an underline) at the right end of the status bar. Let me see if I can reproduce your issue...
@Ayespy That, just that. The translation sucks, excuse me.
@Nlope Not a problem. I think I have it now.
@Ayespy That was clear from the beginning, the topic is called page tiling…
@Nlope don’t hesitate to write the word in Portuguese as well. It might help us.
I came here because it is easier to get answers, although the communication from me is not the most appropriate
(Vim aqui pois é mais fácil de se obter respostas, embora a comunicação da minha parte não seja a mais adequada)
@Nlope So - if a link is written to re-use the existing page, and that page is part of a tiled stack, it opens within the page, within the stack, as expected. If the link is written to create a new tab, that tab opens outside the tiled collection of tabs.
HOWEVER - if you enable the setting Tabs/Tab Features/Open Tab in Current Stack, then any tab opened from a link in a tiled group, adds a tab to the tiled group. You have a tiled group of three, open a new tab from a link within that tiled group, you now have a tiled group of four.
Watch this video please, would this be normal?
Sorry for the inconvenient. -
@Nlope What you are showing there is not normal. Have you activated some setting to open every link in a new tab? That link was supposed to open in the same page you already had opened and tiled with the Google page. How it opened in an entirely new tab and "undid" tab tiling is not clear to me.
@Nlope muito obrigada. Eu entendo um pouco de português, então me ajuda muito se você também escreve em português. Eu simplesmente não consigo escrever sem ajuda de Google Translate.
Você também pode replicá-lo com uma instalação autônoma (standalone install)? -
Igualmente, thanks @gaelle.
@Ayespy said in Doubt: Page Tiling:
@Nlope What you are showing there is not normal. Have you activated some setting to open every link in a new tab? That link was supposed to open in the same page you already had opened and tiled with the Google page. How it opened in an entirely new tab and "undid" tab tiling is not clear to me.
I did not activate anything, I found it strange, for me it would be like this (correct me if I'm wrong) the side-by-side display should continue and the link be opened.
I do not think it's normal for the exhibit to be undone, what do you think?
(Não ativei nada, achei estranho, pra mim seria assim (me corrija se estiver errado) a exibição lado a lado deveria continuar e o link ser aberto.
Eu não acho normal a exibição ser desfeita, o que acham?). -
@Nlope That is correct. The link should open in one of the tabs you have tiled. It is opening in a new tab. That is wrong. Have you changed anything in vivaldi://flags? Do you run any extensions? What you are seeing is NOT how Vivaldi behaves - so something is wrong at your side.