Vivaldi Forum mod
Unicode emojis are rendered by a special font in your operating system. Therefore different operating systems show emojis differently. Normally they should have color, but seems like your OS has implemented a monochrome emoji palette instead. I envy you. In any case you can probably install something else and change the look to your liking, you just have to find something fitting for your Linux distribution. And the size is 14px, just like the rest of your text, but you can change this too of course.
@luetage said in Vivaldi Forum mod:
I envy you
No, pls don't. I do not share your apparent hatred of emojis in the V forum [i know you have made many negative remarks about them in various posts over a prolonged period]. Whilst the initial emoji tool once available in the forum Compose text box was silly by having five hundred thousand gazillion emojis, i was shocked when later on the Devs removed them all & left us with nothing.
Anyway, i am probably misunderstanding your:
seems like your OS has implemented a monochrome emoji palette instead
...but for the record, this is what i see... full colour & decent size... it's just that they turn to crap once i copy & paste them into my posts here.
EDIT: Nahhh, now i better understand your point. I also tried pasting one of those emojis into a new LibreOffice document, & it was the same crap tiny monochrome mess as in the forum, so yes you are presumably correct that Manjaro must be doing this. Pity. This only further reinforces my displeasure that the V Devs removed the clumsy but functional emojis that we used to have herein.
Are these in colour for you, or monohrome? In Windows they use the Segoe Emojji font.
@pesala Thanks for testing. I see this:
@Steffie You could try installing a colour emoji font:
@lonm I found a similar link, the issue seems to be they only work on mozilla based browsers, but no idea.
@Steffie Linux really has problems with emoji support, but Android (naturally) does not. Maybe this works:
This tries to implement google android emojis (noto), but can't test it as I have no Linux install currently.@Catweazle You are probably on Linux too, the squares mean you don't have the latest Unicode installed. You could update your install.
@luetage Thanks, & also to @LonM . I had a quick look at those links [it's a bit late here, so will study more thoroughly tomorrow].
I must say, til i read of it here in the recent comments i had no inkling of apparent [/alleged] Linux vs emoji battles. Despite my apparent earlier lusting for emojis, i actually only use them in website forum posts, in my browser [ie, V... natch], nowhere else [not counting Android SMS; O/T]. And wrt web fora via browser, i can continue to post in Mint, Maui & Manjaro fora with perfectly functional emojis [using each of those fora's in-built emojis]. It is specifically only the V forum where i now cannot use emojis, coz as i keep on bellyaching about, they were taken away from us.
When i glanced at those linked sites, i had the idea to see what's available first in my Manjaro Repos, & in the AUR. I found:
Coz there's likely gonna be "consequences" of installing that package i aborted it for now, & will test first tomorrow in a VM. I think however if there is even a mild amount of hassle associated with this i will abandon it altogether... given i remain unconvinced this is either a Linux or a Manjaro problem. Maybe i'm simply too dense to get it, but IMHO the problem begins & ends with V forum having had its internal emoji tool removed. If it was a wider problem than that, then someone needs to explain to me why, as i said, emojis still work just fine for me in those M, M & M fora
@steffie I too would be wary of installing extra packages if you're not going to have all that much use for it.
I suppose there's a feature request here - built in emoji support for vivaldi in linux, but I am not aware exactly of what the problem is and how to describe it (as it works fine on windows), and there's also a licensing issue of what emoji font to use.
@lonm This is not a Vivaldi issue. Steffie and Catweazle have access to unicode emojis on Linux and therefore Vivaldi -- they are just monochrome, because of the font that is installed on the operating system.
That Linux doesn't do a better job at this out of the box is regrettable, but it's surely not the fault of Vivaldi. Unicode emojis make sense and that most Linux forums seem to use their own emojis tells you about how bad the unicode emoji implementation is on Linux distributions. But instead of fixing the issue (providing colorful and nice emojis with a dedicated open source font installed by default), they just circumvent it. Sad
But yeah, I would try to install the noto/google ones. If it works this should be good. I had a look at them and they seem decent.
@luetage said in Vivaldi Forum mod:
@lonm I found a similar link, the issue seems to be they only work on mozilla based browsers, but no idea.
@Steffie Linux really has problems with emoji support, but Android (naturally) does not. Maybe this works:
This tries to implement google android emojis (noto), but can't test it as I have no Linux install currently.@Catweazle You are probably on Linux too, the squares mean you don't have the latest Unicode installed. You could update your install.
No, I'm with Win 7, but what about emojis, although some are missing, for me it's not that important since I do not use Unicode emoji so many times.
Thank you anyway (ใ)_/ยฏ -
@luetage said in Vivaldi Forum mod:
This is not a Vivaldi issue
it's surely not the fault of Vivaldi
If you mean V as in the browser itself, then i completely agree with you, never said otherwise, never implied otherwise.
If you mean V as in the company, & the admin of this forum software, then i strenuously disagree with you. Nobody seems to be willing to acknowledge the fundamental point i have been making... the V forum once upon a time had no emojis, then later it had emojis [lots & lots & lots], then more recently they were removed again. That is the problem. The other fora i listed have their own emojis. V forum used to, & now does not. Why is this not simple to grasp?
I'm working on a little thing which I think greatly helps usability in the forum, it might be of interest. It adds a little "copy text" button to any long
s that appear on the page (the ones with the dark background that scroll). It makes it much easier to select the text included in, for example, a mod, as Ctrl+A just selects everything on the page.It uses this CSS:
.copy-all-code-button { position: absolute; right: 20px; opacity: 0; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.7); color: white; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.7); } pre.markdown-highlight:hover .copy-all-code-button { opacity: 1; }
This JS, which needs to be run after the page has loaded the forum posts
function make_copy_button(){ const new_button = document.createElement("button"); new_button.textContent = "Copy All"; new_button.className = "copy-all-code-button"; new_button.addEventListener("click", copy_all); return new_button; } function copy_all(event){ const code_node = event.currentTarget.parentElement.querySelector("code"); const window_selection = window.getSelection(); const code_range = document.createRange(); code_range.selectNodeContents(code_node); window_selection.removeAllRanges(); window_selection.addRange(code_range); document.execCommand('copy'); } function add_copy_code(){ const codeblocks = document.querySelectorAll("pre.markdown-highlight"); console.log(codeblocks); codeblocks.forEach(codeblock => { codeblock.appendChild(make_copy_button()); }); }
The JS bit tricky, as I have no idea how to make it run after the content has loaded (it doesn't happen immediately, so I just
for now), and I'm not sure how to get it to run again when you change the page on a topic.I'm running this in a userscript for the forum, I thought this might interest other users of this mod.
@lonm It's a good idea, I'll implement it as default, as this is useful for everyone and doesn't get in the way. And yeah, the part you are talking about is tricky, but it will work for all instances on paginated setups โโ I already have the needed code in place.
version 1.45
New default mod: Copy all code button. Adds a button to each code block, which copies all code within the block. Written by @LonM.This just went live on the webstore, but the automatic update might take some time. If you want to test it right now, enable developer mode on the extensions page and trigger the manual update.
@LonM: I pretty much kept your code as is, good job. Just changed the design a bit to make it look more like a part of the code block. It should work on onload, page navigation and history forward/backward. The only thing I noticed again is the difference in width of code blocks with and without scroll bar (and the empty space between)โฆ Maybe I'll address this someday.
Test-post with emojis ex, using V:
Vivaldi 1.15.1104.3 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Revision fa006e2f659687b01c55d7d837e43decb26216b3-
OS Windows...from my Win10 VM.
This is a picture of what i see above, in the Compose Preview pane:
An Aside: At this point in my draft post, Win10 completely froze, forcing me [after foolishly waiting ~15' to see if it was any less incompetent than every preceding Win version at recovering from its self-induced messes], to kill & reboot it. Thank dog i fled from this steaming pile of donkey doodoos back in 2014. However, how great is V? Assuming that i was going to have to start the post all over again, to my delight it was right there for me to resume. Aside ends...
Now i shall post this, then return to the pure air of Linux & view it in my V there, to see what those emojis look like there.
EDIT: ...& so here's the pic of what i see with V SS in Manjaro:
I'd do a frowny-faced emoji, but what's the point?So it seems that Linux V users have three choices:
- Accept that since V forum admin chose to remove emojis we have nothing, even though multiple other tech forums provide native emoji tools.
- Entreat V forum admin to restore native emoji tools in the forum software.
- Experiment with specific unofficial emoji-font packages per previous suggestions.
EDIT #2: Clearly this emoji discussion i unwittingly unleashed is totally OT for this thread. Is it possible please for one of the Mods to move all the emoji posts from here to a dedicated new thread, so that the fine work of this thread is left undiluted? Sorry to have unintentionally created a mess.
Just to add another view on emojis - this is on Mac (albeit on dark background, who'd guessed...)
Funny enough, they seem a bit big - somehow they are scaled x2 in both directions on screenshot import. In the browser they are smaller...
I don't know if anyone's tried this before, but I re-packed the extension for Firefox for Android, and it works!
@lonm Nice, I haven't tried that yet as I don't use FF on Android right now. Maybe it's time to fix the mistakes and theming in the mobile sidebar then. Does everything work, including custom themes and user css?
version 1.46
Link to the unofficial Vivaldi Discord chat and the official Vivaldi store added to footer. Copy all code button is consistent on all themes now. Fix for vertical code scrolling (removed space and up/down movement of the hljs part).The link to the chat should be useful to make more users aware of it, the store link is just a bonus. The code markdown display has a fixed scrollbar now and the copy_all_code button stays in place. I also added a hover color to the button.
What I don't know is if the scroll bar width is consistent on different operating systems. The copy all code button is placed flush in the upper right corner when the scroll bar is visible, please tell me if it overlaps for any of you, so I can fix it accordingly.