Feature requests for Vivaldi 1.14
Privacy option to clear cookies when quitting, excepting whitelisted domains.
I believe this has been mentioned before, but the ability to customize the right-click menu for tabs and enable / disable the options one likes and uses most regularly.
Improve searching and navigating in the window panel by focusing the search field by default and allow easy keyboard navigation to the result.
As a keyboard driven user I want to switch to the window panel by hotkey (this is already working), start typing my search term (I have to manually focus the search field at the moment) and easily select the target which I want to interact with (I have to use tab and arrow keys to get to the first result at the moment).EDIT: I see that there's a hotkey for focusing a panel which I missed.
Another issue is that I don't have the possibility to focus the window panel via keyboard navigation (except by closing and opening it again) when the window panel is already open.This workflow could be improved by the following measures:
- Give the search field focus as soon the panel is opened
- Change the tab focus order so that the first actual result instead of the window is focused
Focus the panel instead of closing it when a hotkey which is assigned to the panel is pressed and the panel is already open.Close the panel if the hotkey is pressed while the according panel is focused.
Greetings from a guy with 102 open tabs.
Option to move the Trash from the tab bar to a side panel.
Add the ability to tag bookmarks with one or more keywords, and later search or filter by those keywords.
Remove Autosearching after Changing a Search Engine
Remove autosearching after changing a search engine in the search bar.
Extend screenshot feature, to something like FireShot extension offers
Add facebook messenger option, like in Opera
Flags page improvements.
Chromium version is ugly and uncomfortable.
Opera Blink version looks nice and easy to manage.
Even with "Changed" Flags section.
Add an option: Always open new tab from address/url-bar.
By just pressing "enter", without using additional KB keys like "shift" or "alt" -
Have the search bar revert to the default search engine after each search (or as an option).
Hello, will be very nice to add option in browser. New updates will be automatically downloaded and installed with next start of browser.
I install vivaldi on maybe 20 PC but lot of peoples call me if it is secure update browser. So it will be more easy to do it automatically without user interaction.
Save and restore size and position of every window in Saved Sessions
(as it was in Opera 12.) -
Enable flag #save-page-as-mhtml per default
Enable MHT format for Save dialog by default, as MHT handling is properly implemented.
Word Count for Text Edit Fields
Some social media sites limit the post length in words or characters. The current character and word counts could be shown in the status bar.
177 characters, 31 words
Option to warn user when closing the browser with either a certain tab/tab stack open OR a certain number of tabs open
Hide Selective extension button
As in Firefox and Chromium a button to be able to hide only the buttons of the extensions you want.
With the current one or you can see or hide them all. -
Make mouse gestures work on error pages (i.e. "This site can't be reached") and on Vivaldi's preferences page.
Currently, this pulls up a right-click menu, at least on the Mac version of Vivaldi.
Open frame context menu option
I believe there used to be such an option, to right click on an iframe and open it in a new tab. (or background tab, or window, or whatever). But it was removed, and now I have to open the dev tools, select the appropriate element and open the referenced URL there. A context menu option, next to the "View frame source", would be much better. -
Open URL/page with an external program
An option in the Vivaldi menu (or in the contextual menu of a link) to open the URL with an external software. Like a media player, GIMP, Steam or another browser for example, or any software that can open URL.