Feature requests for Vivaldi 1.14
FEATURE REQUEST: CPU and RAM Optimizations
The cpu usage in vivaldi is a little high compared to other browsers, it's most noticeable when playing videos....
Also it eats a lot of RAM memory, even with just a few tabs open (e.g less than 10)... I find myself losing tabs very quickly, If I have a good amount of tabs open, the ones opened first will die pretty quick, and when I try to open one of those tabs it will load the page from scratch, which is bad, because most of my tabs gives me desktop notifications and when they die I got nothing....
In Opera for example I can let tabs stay there idle for a while but the page almost never die, desktop notifications and stuff always work, not reload from scratch... -
FEATURE REQUEST: Persistent bookmark bar folder pop-up menu
Didn't know how to call it :), but here is what I mean:
Currently in the bookmark bar folder pop-up menu of vivaldi, everytime you click on any of the links the pop-up menu closes. My request is, when I ctrl+click to open a link in a new background tab, the pop-up should remain open, so I can open several links in a row...
I use that a lot, because I have folders in there for several different tasks.
Also when I right click on one of those links it should give the default right click options of vivaldi related to links...I made an example:
Also, every other chromium browser behaves like this... It really speedup things.. so why not vivaldi?
An option to show search/copy pop-up when selecting text
Possibility of changing the search engine order.
The icon of the current search engine in the search bar.
Ability to set multiple actions in one keyboard shortcut (like in Opera 12.x).
It's an ability to make an action chain from the list of possible actions using one adjustable keyboard shortcut.
For example we could set one shortcut (instead of two) and do one action (instead of two) to open new page from url in clipboard:
Open new tab -> Paste and go -
Opening new page using first empty tab in the tab bar.
Now when you open new window with new empty page and open some bookmark, it opens in new tab ignoring empty tab.
Instead it could use this empty tab which is closed manually anyway. -
Ability to change the order/moving of panel icons in panel bar.
Confirmation of deleting session.
Better font rendering engine.
Ability to move buttons from the status bar to the address bar (when Status Bar is hidden) or somewhere else
Ability to search passwords and show password function in Settings/Privacy (like with cookies).
Now it's possible only by chrome://settings/passwords -
Double click on tab bar opens new tab (or such option in Settings) + option to disable "+" button from tab bar.
Now it only disables maximized window. -
"Paste and go" function in url address menu opens tab in new tab (or such option in Settings).
"Clone tab in background" option in the right click menu, or after double clicking on tab (or such option in Settings).
Hide startpage navigation bar
Add option: ( https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/13616/hide-the-navigation-bar-on-start-page )
.startpage-navigation {
display: none !important;
Start Bar as in Opera 12:
Customized right click menus. Ability to add/remove/change order/separators.
There is to many useless options in menus! -
Double-click on the tab function.
Add ability to choose from different actions when double clicking on tab. It could be for example clone, copy address etc. -
View download speed websites (orginal: prędkość pobierania stron).