Feature requests for 1.12
A general warning on exit would be better. The O12 feature was perfect. -
Hide UI per Window
Currently, you can have a per-window fullscreen. However if you choose to hide the UI this is global across all windows, which is sometimes not desirable
@Nlope sim, mas eliminando a opção de clicar com o botao direito do mouse e selecionar essa opção de salvar mas deixando ali como opcional. eu mostraria um print, mas nao reinstalo o UC pra pc nem a pau pois com ele vai vir outros softwares chineses
Bookmark Menu
Boss Key to Hide Browser
Choose Fonts for GUI
Collapse/Expand Bookmark Tree with FlipBack/FlipForward
Native-ish theme without the colorful stuff. Toolbars, scrollbars, menus and hover effects should fit into the OS design. It can be done with CSS.
Please, make it possible!
Customizable rocker gestures
Allow Editing of Menus
File Sharing like Opera Unite
For those who have never used Opera Unite, what it does basically is set up your computer as a web server. Your customers can use any browser — it doesn't have to be Opera. You can also continue to use any browser as your default browser, but Opera must be running.
You can publish a customer's site to your local drive and send them the URL. They can browse the site as long as you are running Opera. The advantage is that you can make changes very fast without uploading anything — more or less while the customer is on the phone or using IRC chat, etc.
Any folder on your hard drives can be made available to everyone or protected by a password. Only that folder is accessible, but files stored in that file can be downloaded and/or uploaded without the bother of any email or IRC Chat interaction. Activity is monitored, but I never noticed any bandwidth issues on broadband, and that was when it was a lot slower than it is today.
Image Properties Context menu
Implemented in Snapshot 1.12.955.3 by adding the Image Inspector.
Select Image Properties on the context menu to open the Image Inspector in a new tab.
List Existing Sessions on Save Session
More Space Above Tabs if not Maximized
Method of allowing custom UI styles across upgrades
Currently if a user has a custom stylesheet for the browser ui they have to do some sort of hacky installation by modifying the
file. This is lost when the browser is upgraded to a new version. It would be nice if there was some way to store custom styles in a setting that is persistent when the browser is upgraded.I understand this might get broken if some of the ui names change on a particular upgrade, so this kind of setting might not need to be visible within the browser settings tab itself, maybe just as a file in the user dir that way if something is broken it can easily be disabled.
Proximity Search to Find Two or More Words
Allow Resizing of Tiled Tabs
Settings Dialogue Should Remember it's Size and Active Tab
Sort Commands for Mouse Gestures Alphabetically
Split Tab
Clone and Tile the active tab