Vivaldi powers up the Start Page and adds docked Dev Tools
Great stuff. I need to make sure to remember to use all these cool features!
Pleasingly, this new Stable has already incorporated the bugfix for the bug still present in the current & previous SS, wrt webpanel's Bookmarks, Notes, Downloads, History lists jumping back up to top when right-clicked. Intuitively then our next SS will also have the fix. Cool bananas [provisionally].
Thanks for this new version and to continually add the functions required by users.
Great job.
@pafflick: thanks for letting us know about it. It's just been fixed.
Seventh is about as good as I can ever expect I fear. I'm not even supposed to be up yet, having stayed up last night to install the latest snapshot... Endless fun though!
I said:
Seventh is about as good as I can ever expect I fear.
Must improve my typing. I was seventh when I started... -
"Desktop wallpaper can be used as Start Page background image" Hmm, I don't have this option. Only to use Custom wallpaper. Do I need Win10 for that?
Windows 7 here, same as with you, i am missing that option for desktop wallpaper.
Windows 10 in virtual machine with latest snapshot, has this option included. -
I've been using Vivaldi since the past year, and i love it! it's a great browser with really cool features, and keeps improving with each update like this one, but the support it's now suspended for linux-32bit
Nice new features, good job.
Still no middle click on toolbar for new page.
Web panel when clicked on home button, page refreshes but does not move to top of page, stays scrolled.
Web panel, rocking gestures not working.Its great to tile pages with mouse gesture, still i would like if youtube is in one of tiles, and clicking full page should fill whole monitor space, as usual, not just maximize in one tile. Kinda makes useless to preview youtube or twitch videos, and then when needed fullscreen of video, we get useless maximized window in just his own tile.
Is there a way to move a speed dial into a folder? Am I doing something wrong? thanks for the new release!
Well, would had been handy to know that ALL of the previous installation folders are now deleted... kinda gotten used to having the newest AND the previous installation folder... now that i had my custom styles and images there in the last one and didn't copy them out before installation (as previously i didn't need to).
Sooo, yeah, not cool. -
@serpher: You need to be on Windows 8 or above. We've just added this detail to the Changelog for clarity. Thanks for pointing this out!
If this is a dream DO NOT EVEN DARE TO WAKE ME UP! This is by far the best browser out there! Now it only needs the sync feature and I can proudly uninstall everything else from my PC.
Thank you for the new edition which you have done.
Perfect work. Just keep going, do not forget about your users, this is your strength, you are here for us and it is a big thank you
And now I am looking forward to the new release of Snapshot 1.11 and the testing of new features !!!
"Suspend support for Linux 32-bit for Vivaldi 1.10"
Very sad -
@crywar: Unfortunately, this is due to Chromium suspending support for it and maintaining it ourselves would take too much resources.
@margarita said:
@serpher: You need to be on Windows 8 or above. We've just added this detail to the Changelog for clarity. Thanks for pointing this out!
Win 7 users can do it like this:
Click on the "custom" thumbnail in the Settings > Start Page and enter the following in the filename input field of the file select dialog:%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\TranscodedWallpaper.jpg
This will change the image to the current image displayed on the desktop on each browser start.
@steffie: Yes. There was no time to get the (trivial) fix into the snapshot yesterday.
@quhno: Love the solution-oriented approach!
P.S. You can still choose a custom image whenever you want, of course