Feature requests for 1.8 / 1.9
I do not necessarily want a feature, but the improvement of one.
I have many bookmarks and tag them one by one it's a very painful job, because it's not possible tag more than one at once, so it would be very useful if this functionality were improved. -
Not so much a feature request as a request for reversion. Vivaldi 1.6 had a white Home Page background but 1.7 changed it to black. Please change it back to white. A black background makes my screen look like it's in mourning.
I'd like to see the lovely new Capture Page facility extended to include the opening Speed Dial. A screenshot is easily made, but I have a couple of rows that are below the horizon - and when you come to reorganize your Speed Dial some sort of reliable reminder of what it actually looks like would be useful! At present, the feature does not offer the Full Page option on the Speed Dial. -
Would be nice to have more popup descriptions of features in settings, it would also be nice if they were a bit more comprehensive and poped up faster, its great for new users and also helps you figure out what a setting does without toggling it, its a hassle to play with every setting if you are looking through the settings, and that discourages further exploration
Better Share: Copy Title & Link as Markdown
Request : a new Keyboard shortcut to copy title and link of current tab like
IF another Keyboard shortcut to copy all title and link in current windows like
- [%TITLE%](%URL%)
- [%TITLE%](%URL%)
that will be really helpfulI know there have some chrome extension work on this
like Copy as Markdown , Copy better
But .... vivaldi disable their Keyboard shortcuts
And I think this functionality should be integrated into the browser xD -
Make the "add bookmark" menu have the same organisation as the panel one. Curetnly, when I want to add a bookmark in a special folder or worse subfolder I have to find it which is a pain.
Save and Quit warning like on Firefox when close web browser with more than one tab
View Tab Groups as Nested Trees
While using tabs in vertical mode (left or right), Tab groups can "expand" to show all tabs in group with an indent.
One could click on favicon to expand or collapse tab group. Or render a +/- button to perform collapsing.
see: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tree-style-tab/
Create option for "slim chrome"
Small screens have less real estate. Allow option for slim chrome which removes to the top portion of the window.
Slim Chrome
@Omar_Elrefaei Totally agree. This should resize on the fly so you can get the exact width you want it to be. Some pages use "@media" filters to render differently base on screen width.
If you're speaking about speed dial pictures, as suggested by @dLeon , you can upvote @pafflick post--> https://forum.vivaldi.net/post/116095
@Omar_Elrefaei I upvote your post (maybe clearer because not an answer to an other post), but it is quite similar to mine already posted before
https://forum.vivaldi.net/post/116164 -
Ability to mark some tabs as important
[for example right click on tab and select mark as important, so it puts lets say yellow star near the tab's icon]
Right now I have over 30 tabs opened and situated on right. Some of them are more important than others and it takes time to search for the right one.
Add an option to Quick-Command-search in the same tab. Currently there seems to no way to prevent each search from the QC popup opening a new tab (there is such a toggle for the search bar, but it does not affect Quick Command).
This is especially weird at the Speed Dial page — you have just opened a browser, you enter a search term and now you suddenly have two tabs — the search engine that you need and the Speed Dial that you don't.
@ArchCarrier You misunderstand. I know the menu can be hidden in the vivaldi button. However I want the entire top row of the program removed, and the vivaldi button added to the next row. This would also remove the minimize, maximize and exit buttons. It's a waste of space to use up an entire row on a vivladi button / horizontal menu and the window controls...
However your comment has made me realize... This is important when you use tabs on the side.
If you have tabs on top and the horizontal menu you have three rows of information. The menu, the tabs, and the location row.
If you have tabs on top, the vivalid button, you have two rows of information. The vivaldi button and tabs on one row. The location information.
If you have tabs on side and vivaldi button, you have two rows, one with the vavlid button, and the location inforamtion
@pafflick This is technically already possible.
However, I believe that this is actually a bug. -
@AltCode Yeah, you can override this with a shortcut (by pinning each tab in the stack individually), however, it's impossible to do that via drag&drop or the context menu and thus adding new tabs to the stack is not possible either. You can't unpin such stack, so you have to ungroup the tabs first. Not really convenient...
Option to "Always open file" in addition to "Always save file" when downloading.
@ArchCarrier Not possible when tabs at side or bottom. Only the tabs go into the at top - not the adress bar.
@gezley I strongly support this. Chrome should be grey and content white. If we choose a light theme the settings page changes to show proper colors. The menu is grey and the content is white. A white panel background stops me from using the light themes.