Snapshot 1.1.443.3 - New tab options
Yeah, all these request will be fulfilled eventually, not sure about the small arrow one. But maybe, I hope so.
I'm not sure if it's my connection or PC right now, but I feel a noticeable performance hit on this new build.
Cannot confirm any noticeable "snappiness" improvements. Despite that, every listed item is immediately recreated upon Vivaldi restart.
I think the always growing Top Sites cache is a much better target.
A pinned stack is nothing but a set of pinned tabs. I do have all my major Vivaldi/Chrome settings tabs in one stack - and would love to pin them with one click (e.g. to save them from accidental closing).
Some feedback.
When you create a new folder on speed dial using the '+' icon, it will be added into bookmarks on the side panel. However, when you remove it on Speed dial, it doesn't remove in the bookmarks in the side panel. I was just messing around with it and I have multiple 'New Folders' in the bookmarks.
I enabled 'Switch tab by scrolling' and use the ALT+scroll wheel function. However, more often than not, it will open the browser menu since ALT is the shortcut for it. This hinders tab switching since when the menu is out, the tab doesn't switch and you have to click it away before you are able to do anything.
Also, I feel Vivaldi's browser animation needs work. At least for me, I open and close tabs a lot and use the Speed Dial as my main bookmark. Having a smooth animation really adds a nice overall experience for me. It's one of the reason I switched to Opera browser from Chrome. It adds a very nice and smooth flow as I interact with the browser.
Please add scroll to Top/Bottom mouse gesture.
Please use overlay scroll bar. It adds a cleaner design and adds more real estate.
Some other things I just noticed.
1. Website logo detection could be way better in Speed dial. At the cost of repeating myself, Opera 12 does it best. Also, it inherits the website description from the site itself, and in the old opera I can drag and drop a tab into Speed dial. In Vivaldi, I cannot.
2. When going back-forward on a webpage, it completely reloads. Meaning if I had text written (like I am doing for this comment) it will be erased. Opera 12 was cool because it did not refresh the page if I did not want it to, so if I accidentally clicked back and forward, I could just keep writing.
3. Bookmarks drop-down context menu missing from the 'V' in the upper left. It only leads to bookmarks in left panel.
Amazon Wishlistbutton for example
Probably you had some corrupted file about the GPU cache, that's why recreating it the browser performances enhanced for you.
Think I spoke too soon…
My thoughts exactly. Me and you know probably know that this is going to be fixed soon but new users are hardly ever this forgiving.
It should sound:
4. In Vivaldi ENTER sends first autocomplete suggestion to search - this completely ruins my inner peace. -
Reported as VB-15450
Regressions regarding creation of bookmark folder
- new root folder: creation requires confirmation of name entry by <tab>, <enter>doesn't work over here
- creation of new sub folders (context "Add New Folder") doesn't work at all
I was just writing how awesome Vivaldi was (past tense, see) when it crashed on me. I'd like to pay for it, but is it more "correct" to pay for unstable software to make it stable, or for stable software to make it even more awesome? Just a thought…
For the love of god… Fix the comment notification from this blog. I just want notification for replies to my comment. Subscribing to comment send multiple copies of all new comments. Most of which I have zero interest in. The forum was also supposed to be migrated to a better platform. Even that has not happened.
Thanks, it works.
A minor (.1) version update will happen every time a new Chromium version hits stable to keep all of us up to speed with the Chromium release cycle. Since Chromium 50 will hit stable pretty soon, there's not enough time for bigger features to be added. Major version jumps will happen whenever Vivaldi incorporates new features like mail and sync.
We hear you! A major update is in the pipes. Sit tight!
@Ruari or other Vivaldi guys, I don't see opening new tab in background. Are you seriously going to made Vivaldi the only major browser that lacks of this standard option? I miss Opera 12
I have encountered another bug, a small one. Vivaldi does not remember it was maximized (not fullscreen) when I restart my computer, opening in a smaller window instead (only the first time after turning on the computer).
All my testing done on Windows 7 x64