Snapshot 1.0.435.29 - Vivaldi 1.0 final RC1
Today's snapshot is Vivaldi 1.0 Release Candidate 1. Assuming no major, new issues are discovered, we will rebuild this with a few more updates to translations and set it to update users of our beta channel, in the near future.
Thanks, Ruari!
Saving a web page still doesn't work correctly and closing Vivaldi leaves some of its processes still running. Restarting Vivaldi opens to the SpeedDial page.
Windows 7 x64 | Vivaldi x64 (x86 test next after some housekeeping)
The fact that you see the speed dial is a symptom of it not shutting down. This is not something we can reproduce. Do you know how you got into this state?
I wrote it up better on the '435.26 page but basically LakeInHolland found the problem:
File/Save Web Page As/Web Page, Complete doesn't save anything and 'hangs' with the Taskbar icon showing a partially complete download.
Closing Vivaldi leaves processes running.
Restarting Vivaldi opens SpeedDial and the Extensions work.
I haven't tried the Vivaldi/Chrome Task Manager to try to switch to other still-running Tabs.
Interesting. one of the guys internally reported that but I could never reproduce. Which page exactly are you trying to save.
This Comment page on and the '435.26 page both 'hang' during the Save and never complete unless I Save As HTML Only with no images.
The Forum pages seem to Save correctly and, so far, other sites like Google and my YouTube page save correctly with images and do not 'hang'.
Nor does it seem that in beta! For so far I had no problems with the 64-bit version. (Windows 8.1)
Thanks for the great browser!
Waiting quite the email client
Congratulations team! Great work!
Sorry for my English! Brazil -
I just saved this page without issue. I tried saving the .26 page as well and that also saved without problems.
Thanks! The panels load fine again for me! \o/
.. now a language chooser for linux would be nice
Hmm, for me it doesn't like saving any of the Comment pages Complete, only HTML.
I don't have a spare machine but I'll try another fresh install on a completely different drive/directory and I'll try the x86 version too.
not for version 1.0 but will we will to add it. In the mean time start it from a terminal, like so:
$ LANGUAGE=nb-NO vivaldi-snapshot
That would start it in Norwegian Bokmål. Adjust the language code as needed, see for a list
Still not working with Google play music couldn't play track name skipping ahead
One of the problems that has occurred a few snapshots ago that never happened before were some websites that would flicker or flash when you toggle the panel in and out. The panel itself is also very laggy in UI performance, in that it would lag when toggling in and out. Also, the audio icon for pinned tabs moves whenever you go to a different tab and go back to that pinned tab. Other than that, you are pretty much ready for the final release. More polishing and refining can make it into the next version.
works for us here in testing. You may have been asked before but what OS and OS version? I am looking for a pattern.
Oh great to hear thank you for the info and the tip.. for now I edited the *.desktop file by prepending
in the exec line. -
OSX 10.11.4
I may need to clean install. I just don't want too
Initially, I thought that VB-14890 was not fixed for my YouTube Panel, but apparently the "Loading …" message was due to problems with my server, which is often intermittent.
I wonder what should happen if a web panel server is unavailable. Would it show just a blank page, or should there be a dead bird icon or a warning of some kind?
BTW: Although I can log in OK, I get an "Invalid Token" message if I try to reply to this blog using Opera 12.17. That may be a sign that I need to start using Vivaldi. Unfortunately, I need email, custom mouse gestures, mnemonic keyboard shortcuts, and a few other things before I can let go of Opera 12.17.
The only really annoying problem I encounter for the last few snapshots is VB-14509. Whenever I type something inside a flash-content-area, Vivaldi behaves like crazy, reloads the page, goes back in history, switches tabs, etc. (depending on which key is actually pressed). I know, flash is quite outdated and deprecated, but still required sometimes, so it might be worth to look into this issue before going final?!
Is there a trick to get search suggestions working with Google? Never could get it to work, only Bing.