Snapshot 1.0.418.3 - Focusing on individual requirements, not statistics
Clearly, Vivaldi wants to be the best browser for true web aficionados. In time, it's sure to be. In the meantime, it never hurts to be aware of anywhere that our only true competition (Opera) has stolen the march on us, and now I'm aware of two such areas: They beat us to the punch on fixing that damnable embedded-video Win10 browser freeze bug, and today they introduced built-in adblocker in their developer stream. I'm not indicating that Vivaldi ought to alter its development emphasis or path, but the more instances of "the only reason I don't make Vivaldi my default browser" that can be eliminated, the stronger our bragging rights are.
Now I don't even use adblocking, and the video freezing thing is more an annoyance than an actual problem for me. In fact it never impacts me at all while I'm working, except in the rare even that I have to visit a social media site or a magazine site during a job. Still - Just sayin'…
I was also generally elated to read that pinch and stretch was added. Firstly, my preference would be that it was equivalent to other ways of zooming in Vivaldi, and thus reflected in the slider value and reset with apple-0. Secondly, it only seems to allow zoom levels above 100%, I've not noticed that in other OS X apps, and it's not a restriction in Vivaldi's normal zoom slider; is this intentional, or a bug, or are you working on some glitches that affect 10-99% but figured shipping 101%+ was worth doing in the meantime ?
This that annoy me in Vivaldi, currently:
1. Close tab and to go to right (already confirmed to be in the works, thanks!)
2. Disable middle click for Tab Previews (insanely annoying)
3. Performance: it needs to be better, it's pretty good already, but needs to be way snappier
X. The fact I can't save my password here on Vivaldi Community and it NEVER remembers my login. -
It's by design, I doubt they'll get enough smarts in there any time soon to (1) satisfy us small minority who use either bareword single hostnames, and worse, hostnames like www.test to get to (2) not throw up a lot of false positives that confuse the majority of users when random search terms match with local dns entries (esp when some ISPs/services intercept and resolve all hostnames, to redirect non-existent domains to advertising pages, etc.
Maybe if there was a 'no default search engine' option, we could still use 'g mysearch' in the address bar, but for now either we need to type http://, or type the bareword then pick it from your history if it's a site you often access, or disable search entirely in the address bar.
Opera is putting an adblocker in their browser? Are they trying to add back all their features? I thought they were now owned by Chinese interests.
I use Web Boost, and would love an adblocker that can also do what Web Boost does built-in. I personally would like to see all the O12 features in version 2.0.
Still not sync?
If you'd like to donate twenty or thirty thousand dollars, I'm sure they'll do it right away. /snark. In brief, it is an expensive proposition - both in man-hours and hardware.
You don't want much. 20 years of development in 2 years or less? OK, then…
Please please please decouple "Switch tabs on scroll" into "Switch tabs whilst scrolling over the tab list" and "Scroll using RMB and Mouse wheel".
I love RMB + Scroll for switching tabs too much to turn off the "Switch tabs on scroll" option, but with tabs on the left, the number of times I accidentally roll through 4-5 tabs instead of scrolling the active tab is just driving me insane!
I actually just did it again trying to scroll to the end of the comments here, waking up 16 tabs in my drive-by… argh!
Bug (regression)?
New Tab Position | Next to Related Tabs doesn't apply to pinned tabs anymore.Apart from that, thanks a lot for this finest piece of elaborating software. It will become a real web diamond, for sure.
Re. Homepage problems:
danielson is the third one reportin this. Search for homepage on this page to find two previous reports.
Before I follow your suggestion and make a clean install (I actually use a portable install), could you please help further by answering the following questions:
1. Have you tried using a homepage startup? OK?
2. Tried homepage icon? OK?
3. Browsed from homepage links? OK?
4. Vivaldi installed normally or portable?
5. On what OS are you?
6. Are you affiliated with Vivaldi team?Thanks.
My speed dial thumbnails were gone
and once more the current session is being save fully, was restored only the pinned tabs
Magic !!
Thanks for the hint
I didn't noticed this because I normally don't have "Show Popup Thumbnails" activated - but it works indeed. -
There is no complete list of what features are actually already build in but the closest to this is the following site: you want to take a look of what is already requested you might visit the forum:
you can write there some suggestions yourself if you like to.Although there are a lot of suggestions that only are in the comment section of this blog and/or are send to the devs via:
So after all - as far as I know - there is no complete pool of suggestions but your customizeable mouse gestures were indeed requested a few times. (As far as I remember right they will be implemented but it still will take some time)
Thanks for the hint regarding µBlock and the web fonts, was wondering what the cause for this might be.
Today it is an adblocker - tommorow a (chinese) censorship tool…
May it be a workaround that you enter the IP-adress instead of "myserver" ?
Of course this is annoying the frist time but vivaldi should remember that and when you type it the next time after one or two numbers there should be a suggestion for your destination.
(This works for me accessing my router - because typing "fritzbox" results in the same misunderstanding as you described it, so I have to enter IP-adress) -
Hi. Look for VB-11458 wrt the Speed Dials and Ctrl and Shift in future updates.
As someone using standalone / portable installation (win 7 64bit - Viv 1.0.418.3 32bit) at work I took a look into this and found some more strange behaviour as you already mentioned in your comment a bit above this.
First I switched from "start with last session" to "start with homepage" and entered a homepage.
After that I saved all my tabs so I could work with them after I checked on this and closed Viv.
Restarting Viv results in a blank page (not speed-dial) with no focus and a speed-dial page left of my site. I shrugged shoulders and wanted to go on with work so I loaded my saved session and voila there appeared a "non exsiting tab" between the first speed-dial to the left and my loaded session to the right. Once you click on a tab you can't go back to that emptyness. little confused I switched back from "start with homepage" to "start with last session" and closed Viv and restarted it.
And - surprise, surprise - the "blank page" was loaded with the site I intended to be my homepage in the test above. it looks like the homepage somehow misses to load correctly but the information seems to be there otherwise it wouldn't have loaded after my last step.
(Side note: before I restarted Viv the last time with "start with last session" I closed the speed-dial tab to the left. Just wanted to say before there might be any confusions)
Oh and by the way hompage button does work fine for me - but only as long as I have "start with last session" activated.
Edit: I now saw that I screwed up the red bar in pic 2 and 3 - it should of course include all tabs to the right site… stupid tiny monitor I have to use at work -.-