Snapshot 1.0.418.3 - Focusing on individual requirements, not statistics
repeat request:
can't select the ID name "- Vivaldi" as a running PROGRAM window
in Task Manager.
xp32 sp3
Problem: can't select the ID name "- Vivaldi" as a running PROGRAM window in Task Manager.Others (that I use ;)) supply this:
- Comodo Dragon
- Opera (12:17)
- Mozilla Firefox
Task Manager examples: is not available - Comodo Dragon
GRC | ShieldsUP! — Internet Vulnerability Profiling - Opera
Problem loading page - Mozilla FirefoxVivaldi: is not available
Speed Dial…Thanks for the great work!!!!
Unfortunately that doesn't appear to be a sentiment shared by the community, they all seem to want Opera 2: return of Opera.
Very impressed by your statement about your browser's goals. I like Vivaldi and can see it potentially being a game changer in the modern browser market, at least for the advanced and professional users. That may not pay off in terms of overall market share, but you'll get a lot of grateful and loyal users out of it.
That said, there's one more thing I'd like to comment on. When a webpage plays some kind of audio, the browser fades in the loudspeaker to disable sound from that particular tab and fades it out again, once the sound has concluded. Unfortunately, that's a really inconvenient way of doing it, when the webpage in question only plays a short sound like a ding reminder. I'd love a way to mute a tab, even when no sound is being played there at the moment. Please add a context-menu entry for that, when clicking on the tab header.
Secondly, I think that feature would also work for hibernating, so users are able to hibernate those specific tabs they don't need one by one. Maybe add another user-customizable option too, like "hibernate all tabs not visited in x minutes", so only keep those tabs loaded that the user is actively using, while everything else is hibernated.
Edit: I just thought of one more small detail for a more convenient use of the browser. I've set up my Firefox so I can use a click with the middle mouse button to reopen the last closed tab. Why not add an option to do that in Vivaldi too, either on the unused space in the tab-bar, on the trash icon or even both?
I get the same thing if I have the uBlock option set to block Web Fonts. Do you have uBlock or something similar blocking Web Fonts?
I have just installed the latest version and now I can't open a website. When I click on a bookmark and speeddial link the site don't open. Is this a bug?
Does that happen with the cursor Arrow keys?
For me the Arrow keys don't move the cursor Up/Down when I edit a Bookmark, they scroll through the rest of the 'text info' for the other Bookmarks but the highlight stays on the currently selected Bookmark. The Enter key closes the editor too instead of adding a new line.
Windows 7 x64 | Vivaldi x64
Probably need to clean your profile then. Sounds like you have something corrupted in your profile.
Yes, please!
Make it with all of the features and functions of a modern yet fully mature browser too while you are at it but without all of the bugs and indifferent developers.
And we want it now!
It's not a non-valid wish. This very desire, since Opera 12 is essentially irreplaceable in many people's minds, is what has drawn them to Vivaldi in the first place. Jon made the best user-centric browser in the world once. There is hope he can do it again. Certainly, Vivaldi will never be a carbon copy of Opera 12. That said, it was clear from the outset that it is Jon's EXPRESS intent to satisfy people who were never satisfied with anything other than OldeOpera.
Patience. You KNOW that there are things like password sync, password exporting, etc. somewhere in the future. Wand was a wonder, and I still hope to see something similar in Vivaldi down the road. It took me nearly a YEAR to break the ctrl+enter habit from old Opera days, and something like it would be a Godsend.
Indeed, the download manager needs some love!
Yes, I understand what you want but Vivaldi's not finished yet. Between you, me, and the fence post, I just copy a few files to a clean install after I make sure it works but don't tell anyone.
Like the e-mail client, a sync-server costs money and time and it won't work reliably until the file/format/directory structure is finalized. When they finish getting the specs enshrined on a couple of Post-It notes somewhere under the keyboard on Jon's desk, a sync-server will be useful.
I'm sorry, but there's no word "hability" :). Probably you meant "ability".
Good to know, thanks.
Thanks once again for the hard work. Any possibility to have a built-in ad blocker? I usually use FF, Vivaldi and Opera (developer)…the later just released this feature and seems to work very well. A suspect that since is built in, doesn't slowdown the browser without compromising effectiveness.
Sync is also badly needed.
Best, -
Poor silico, that's the one that got tossed off the glacier into the volcano so it doesn't let rip with more toxic gasses in one go than mankind made since the millennium of mammoth meat. :lol:
Why just one for developers, is there some reason everyone else should have to jump through hoops to turn off scripting?
A lot of fixes - thank you! However, the bugs I mentioned a few times already are still here. I guess I'll just keep reporting them since I don't know any means (if any) to access some sort of a bug tracker.
Bugs for both Linux (Slackware64 14.1) and Windows (Windows 10 64 bit):
1. If you had any pages open and then close all tabs until the last empty tab remains and you start typing some address from your history, the autosuggestion works as expected , but you can't navigate other suggestions with cursor keys (up and down). Workaround for me: press Tab key two times, then cursor keys work.
2. LastPass extension: I get blank pages whenever I try to open secure notes from the menu (not from the vault though), if I choose an account that requires LastPass's password re-prompt or if I try to save a new site. I have to use a different browser when I need these features, which is, luckily, not that often.
3. The hotkeys on the page's source code tab don't work. And now the interesting part: the commands you tried to do with the hotkeys stack in memory and are executed as soon as you close the tab with the source code.
4. Still unable to search from both address bar and search bar because the Enter key does not work unless I type a website address or prefix the search with a search engine keyword (for the address bar; it is impossible to search from the search bar). The bug is true for both 32 and 64 bit versions of Vivaldi.
Were you working in the panel or the bookmark manager? If in the panel, you HAVE to turn off the editor (click on the little blue pencil) to start on another bookmark.
Yep, I gave up on the –disk-cache-dir=... options even back when I used Opera because it's hard to keep chasing down the many launch-related registry entries, shortcuts, etc. that sometimes get reset after upgrading.
Now I just edit vivaldi.dll manually after every upgrade and use Junction folders in my %LocalAppData% profile that point to my ramdisk. Works a treat but even better would be a simple option in preferences that persisted between upgrades.