How to import passwords from LastPass?
I'm coming from old firefox classic browser (waterfox classic, a browser outdated by years) so the native data import from firefox didn't bring over the passwords (it got history and bookmarks fine though). I used this browser profile for over 10 years and have about 800 passwords/accounts.
I was able to install LastPass on the old browser and Vivaldi and I was able to sync passwords to the extension.
The more I use Vivaldi now I tend to run into an annoying problem of both the built-in password manager and LastPass opening on the same account prompts. Its causing some issues of selecting fields and responses.
Ideally I'd like to migrate all of LastPass's data into Vivaldi. Through their extension I was able to export the data as a CSV file. Through Vivaldi's menu I tried to import the CSV File but got the following error
the current excel format of the LastPass file is
I tried replacing the "1" row's info to match the one in the vivaldi error (Url, title, etc...) but that didn't work. I suspect the data doesn't line up 1:1
Does anyone have any ideas?
@BrandonKalicharan CSV file format should be:
name,url,username,password,note,,[email protected],tE5TP422,
Its still giving the same error
I reorganized and pasted the data as such:
and still got the error. Am i going through the wrong menu? im going through
and even with the reorganized doc i get
@BrandonKalicharan I think you will see the error if you look closely
@BrandonKalicharan Password import is at internal page
@Pathduck I suspected i was going through the wrong menu but i had no idea where else to even attempt a migration since it wasn't in the settings.
@DoctorG I appreciate you helping me. I had no idea that page even existed. My only prior imports were done through the menu i showed earlier so i assumed it mustve been in there.
I've imported the passwords and they seem to be working good now, thanks.
Just for future though is there any other "vivaldi://" hidden links i should be aware of? I just found the extensions one after manually typing it in and its way easier to activate/deactivate extensions now.
@BrandonKalicharan What I mean was this - you were clearly trying to import Reading List
The error messages also indicate this. -
Hi, there are a lot, some are not really useful for normal user but others are. For example: vivaldi://sync-internals
Check: vivaldi://vivaldi-urls/Cheers, mib
@Pathduck Oh I dont know what a reading list is. I assume it was a list that your browser can "read". I just looked it up and see that its a less bookmarky bookmark so not a feature for me lol
@mib2berlin thanks so much. i went through them all and it looks like "Flags" is the only other interesting one to play around with.