Solved Can Start Page start with Speed Dial?
I've selected Start Page Navigation โ> Show on Speed Dial Page.
The Start Page is defaulting to Bookmarks link and not Speed Dial every time. What am I missing?
Always resolves to this โ>
@regretagarbo Hi!
You have added the folder "Bookmarks" as a Speed Dial. The last added folder will be defaulted (leftmost).
You can remove it (Right-click, Remove) if you don't want it there at all.
You can remove both "Bookmarks" and "Speed Dial" and then add them back in the right order from the Bookmarks Panel.
You can rearrange their order in the Bookmarks Panel if the sort order is set to "Manual"Unfortunately there is no way to rearrange them in place.
Please read: to the Vivaldi Community
@pathduck Thank you. This is so obvious I can't believe I missed it.
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