Website Formatting Errors -
The website must have done something with their formatting. For about a couple of months now, when I open any of the instructions links the format is messed up in Vivaldi. I copy the url into another browser (Edge) and its fine.
In my Vivaldi, everything is squished to the left, and I try to scroll down but the page keeps resetting back to the top.
So maybe I need to reset my profile??
Does anyone else have this problem? (maybe it has something to do with the ads in the different pages.. about half the instruction links I click on are fine?
Here's some links:
and another:
and another:
That's weird.
Now when I click on the two bottom links I posted, the pages are fine..
But the top one is still squished..
@pslim It looks OK here. What is your web page zoom and how wide is your Vivaldi window?
@pesala I think I figured it out. I have the "Block Trackers" in my Vivaldi setting. Once I disable that, the web pages load fine.
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