Likeable laughs from others.
Of the 11 rockets tested by SpaceX, 6 were accidentally destroyed during testing, most as a result of entertaining explosions.
Spacex: a remake of Thunderbirds?
@Catweazle I got inspired:
@guigirl , yes, also in other films with her, scenes were eliminated
Another who waits with eagerness and joy, as you can see, the change of time this weekend
Don't use Vivaldi Mobile while driving
@guigirl , nice, but I don't see anything on this page, more than a sign to accept cookies to identify me for frequent visits (obvious trackers and fingerprinting). I have to pause Trace to watch the cartoons.
You can always trust your coworkers
As always the Aussies have some good ones today. really nails it:
Go Down South With Your Mouth - Visit South Australia"Is it time to bask in Australian bush, native to our southern lands?"
A Mafia Boss discovered that his accountant had diverted 10 million from the Mafia Cash to himself.
The accountant was deaf and that is why he had been admitted to work, because, as he could not hear anything, in case of an eventual arrest and trial he could not act as a witness.
When the Chief asked him for the 10 million he took the lawyer with him, who also knew the sign language of the deaf and dumb.
The Chief asked the accountant:- Where are the 10 million you stole from me
The lawyer, using sign language, addressed the question to the accountant, who in turn signed:
- I don't know what they're talking about.
The lawyer translated to the Chief:
-He says he doesn't know what we're talking about.The Chief pulled out a .45 caliber pistol and pointed it at the accountant's head, shouting:
- Let's see now, ask him again !!!!
The lawyer, by signs, said:
- The Boss will kill you if you don't confess where the money is.
The accountant signed:
- OK, you win; The money is in a brown leather suitcase that is buried in the garden of my cousin Enzo's House, No. 400 26th street, block 6, Barrio Santa Marta del Mar.
The Chief asked the lawyer:
- AND? What did he tell you?
The lawyer replied:
-He says that he is not afraid of dying and that you lack the courage to pull the trigger.Moral, there are four things one cannot save oneself from:
- Taxes,
- death,
- that the accountant lie to you
- and that the lawyer screw you!
Got called out by StackOverflow today...
Those cheeky [
Segmentation Fault: Index out of bounds of Array "codeOfConductApprovedWords"
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