Solved Web unaccesible with Vivaldi but not witch Chrome {Bitdefender on PC}
I can't access this web: I can in Chrome but not in Vivaldi. Try to disable all extensions, unblock trackers, and other things but no luck. What could it be?
@Gwen-Dragon Gosh! I try to deactivate Bitdefender antivirus and all problems gone... Maybe it detects some strange code in the web.
Problem solve, thx for all the help and suggestions! -
No problem here with adblock and tracker blockers.
Is it Windows 10?
Have you tried to open it in a private window? -
I've just try in a private window and got the same result.
That's the error window below:
Also, I deactivated all extensions but same result.I had the same behavior sometimes with other pages, but can't remember the URLs.
My Vivaldi version is: 3.6.2165.34 (Stable channel) (64 bits) and Win10 version: Windows 10 OS Version 2009 (Build 19042.789).
Thx for the fast reply!
@XLave Could be also helpful to ask about this issue in a good Windows Forum. Maybe you can get a method there to investigate any logs of the error.
@Gwen-Dragon Gosh! I try to deactivate Bitdefender antivirus and all problems gone... Maybe it detects some strange code in the web.
Problem solve, thx for all the help and suggestions! -
@Gwen-Dragon I know, I'd just deactivated it for the test. Then I added the URL to exceptions.
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