π Tesla to Mars π
The Right Approach to Autonomy
- The Ballsy Approach to Autonomy
- FSD Beta 9 vs Pedestrians (FSD wins β eventually)
1/4 Mile World Record
Tesla Model S Plain 9.08 sec 1/4 Mile finishing at 154.1 mph.
Note that this is a stripped down version. Probably all excess seats and other parts were removed to reduce weight, so it is no longer a standard production Model S Plaid.
Q2 Earnings
As usual, Tesla Breaks All Records not only on the drag strip, but also in their financial performance. In spite of this, Wall Street remains negative, citing chip shortages, which all vehicle companies face.
Other companies had to shut down production, while Tesla worked around it by rewriting firmware and software, hence they continue to grow rapidly year on year.
ARK Invest remain extremely optimistic about fully autonomous robo-taxis. While others think it will never happen, Tasha Keeney of ARK Invest thinks it is only a couple of years away, and sees it as a multiple $ Trillion opportunity. Bitcoin is also recovering, and Tesla holds $1.5 Billion in Bitcoin.
AI Day, which will be news about the Artificial Intelligence behind the Full Self-driving software, is scheduled for August 19th.
NHTSA Investigation
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration board have launched an official investigation into Tesla crashes on Autopilot. If you look at the case history of fatal crashes involving Tesla cars you will find that most were caused by user error such as pressing the accelerator instead of the brake pedal. A total of eight deaths since 2013 have been confirmed as attributable to Autopilot.
I welcome the investigation as it might reveal the truth about the causes, and dispel the myths propagated by the mainstream media. As more Tesla vehicles are on the roads there will inevitably be more accidents, but Autopilot continues to improve through analysing the crash data whenever and wherever it fails.
The news hit the share price hard, which dropped $31 to $686.17 at market close on 16th August from $717.17 at market close yesterday. It surprises me that an announcement like this has such a dramatic effect on peopleβs confidence in the company, which continues to grow production, revenues, and and profits every quarter.
AI Day August 19th
AI Day was a technical presentation, intended only to recruit new staff for the artificial intelligence program. Rob Maurer of Tesla Daily breaks down the two-hour presentation into his 19-minute video. It talks about the way that the new Dojo super-computer is designed, and how they use it to process driving data provided by Tesla cars.
The announcement of a humanoid robot (named Optimus) surprised everyone. In my opinion, this is a blue-sky project primarily aimed at arousing the interest of the brightest programmers and robotics engineers. Even if it never becomes a commercially viable project, the skills learned to design and teach it will be very useful to Tesla for their factories and robo-taxis.
FSD Beta 10
Dirty Tesla gives his first impressions of FSD Beta 10, which was released on 10th September or the early hours of 11th.
Version 10.1 is scheduled to come with a button for those who have paid for the software to download the update. The release will be made gradually to avoid a potential flood of FUD if a million users start using it at once.
In other news, the Model S Plaid sets a new world record for production EVs at the NeΓΌrburgring.
The "Model S Plaid" lapped the 20.8-kilometre Nordschleife in 7:35.579 minutes.
That is an average speed of 102.72 mph.
Texas Gigafactory Getting Ready
After about 15 months of construction, the Gigafactory at Austin, Texas, is getting ready to welcome new employees.
Production of the Model Y has already started for some test vehicles, and that will be the first vehicle to be produced at Austin. The Cybertruck will have to wait a little longer, as will the Roadster, and Semi-truck.
Tropical Storm Nicholas is on the way to Texas, but does not look like a serious problem.
FSD Beta 10 was released in the early hours of Saturday 11th, and there are already numerous videos of the chosen few testing it out.
Share Price
As usual, the prices go up and down. Currently, looking good at
$743.89$759.49. No amount of lobbying by legacy auto can stop Tesla now. Sales are increasing, profitability is improving, and production facilities are expanding. My investment in 20 shares is up by overΒ£1,320Β£1,600 in 10.2 months. -
FSD Beta 10.1
The latest FSD beta is due to be available this weekend (AFAIK). The so-called competition is doing its darnedest to stop it, calling on regulators to slow things down.
Meanwhile, the TSLA share price is climbing steadily, and those 2,000 or so Beta testers who already use the software are excited by its progress. Wide-spread public release is still some months off, but increasing the number of testers will greatly increase the data needed for training the AI.
Chuck Cook has released an updated Guide to Using the FSD Beta Software, which should help new users get started.
Saturday: The update is now available
Q3 Deliveries 241,300
Tesla exceed Wall Street expectations of 220,000 by a big margin. This was during a period when legacy auto were shutting down production due to chip shortages.
Numbers are more significant than you think.
Berlin and Texas Gigafactories are due to start production next month, and high margin Model S and X production is ramping up.
The Annual Shareholder's meeting will take place at Gigafactory Texas on Thursday 7th October.
Berlin Gigafest
The open day at the factory on 9th October allowed the public to take a tour of the factory. Model Y production is ready to go within two hours after approval is finalised.
FSD Beta 10.2 Released
Drivers with a perfect safety score can now download the Beta software to join the Beta testing team.
First Impressions from Chuck Cook, one of the long-term Beta testers.
Q3 Financial results are due to be published on 20th October.
TSLA closed at $811.08 on the 13th October, but is still some way short of the highest closing price earlier this year.
Going Up
Are the Wall Street analysts finally beginning to appreciate the true value of Tesla?
The stock price has more than doubled since last November, when I first invested in it at $408. It reached an all-time high on Friday 22nd October.
NHTSA are obstructing progress by asking the wrong questions about Full Self-driving. Their recent letter to Tesla makes no sense at all. Are their strings being pulled by others, or do they simply not understand how Autopilot and FSD are supposed to be used?
Missy Cummings is being named as new senior adviser for safety at NHTSA. She has $1 million invested in Lidar stock, and hates Elon Musk because he dismisses Lidar as useless for self-driving cars. FSD relies fully on cameras and artificial intelligence.
Creeping Towards Full Autonomy
FSD Beta 10.2 in Action at a busy roundabout.
It is still cautious, as it should be, but it is slowly getting more confident and assertive. Earlier, the driver would have had to press the accelerator to proceed. Now, the software can do it unaided.
Drivers need to remain aware at all times, and be ready to take over control, as it is not fully autonomous yet.
About 1,000 more users have now joined the Beta testers, so twice as much data will soon be flowing back to Tesla. In other words, improvements that would have taken two weeks will soon take only one week. The improvements could accelerate rapidly if NHTSA don't interfere. One serious crash could pause development, but serious crashes are avoided every day with the help of Autopilot.
Sandy Munro on the NHTSA Controversy
Sandy discusses appointment of new Senior Advisor for NHTSA, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Offensive content removed. User is reminded to observe the Code of Conduct
There was nothing wrong with my post and you know it. We should not be posting anything about Tesla except for how he keeps gaming the system.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions. However, it is best to base them on carefully acquired knowledge, and not on mere hearsay from TeslaQ or some random Reddit thread.
Posting flame-bait making offensive comments, contravenes the code of conduct, and may result in sanctions.
This forum is a friendly place, where we expect discussions to be civil, even when people disagree.
Elon Musk may be very ambitious, but that does not make him greedy. He has worked very hard for decades to achieve what he has.
See: The Price of Success
You have no idea where I got my info. I do not get my info from FoxNews and Qanon like you.
@locutusofborg No, I don't know where you get your information, but it is clearly not a reliable source. I cited TeslaQ and Reddit as typically unreliable sources.
I get my information from the experts on Tesla. Mainstream media in general are in the business of getting eye-balls on their content, or pleasing their advertisers, so I take whatever they say with a generous pinch of salt.
I would not know what goes on at Qanon, never having visited it.
You can see what my sources are from the links earlier in this thread. As a rule, it is good to quote your sources, especially when making damaging allegations.
FSD Beta 10.3 Released
New Features
Profiles, Autopark, Construction Zones, & More
- Profile allow users to select how assertive FSD is: from Chill, Average or Assertive
- Autopark seems to work perfectly
- Navigating a construction zone still dubious
First Impressions - Chuck Cook
Beta 10.3 Pulled
@elonmusk 7:44 pm Β· 24 Oct 2021
Seeing some issues with 10.3, so rolling back to 10.2 temporarily.
Please note, this is to be expected with beta software. It is impossible to test all hardware configs in all conditions with internal QA, hence public beta.
10.3.1 rolling out now
11:02 am Β· 25 Oct 2021
@pesala said in
Tesla to Mars
@locutusofborg No, I don't know where you get your information, but it is clearly not a reliable source. I cited TeslaQ and Reddit as typically unreliable sources.
I get my information from the experts on Tesla. Mainstream media in general are in the business of getting eye-balls on their content, or pleasing their advertisers, so I take whatever they say with a generous pinch of salt.
I would not know what goes on at Qanon, never having visited it.
You can see what my sources are from the links earlier in this thread. As a rule, it is good to quote your sources, especially when making damaging allegations.
The facts are that Tesla is greedy. There is no getting around the facts.