Latest Vivaldi Update & Flash Handling {at Facebook}
In previous versions of Vivaldi, when I went to load a Facebook game I play, Vivaldi would ask me to allow or deny Flash to run. Now, it no longer does that. So I went to the settings to enable Flash there. That works, but it seems to allow Flash to run everywhere. I don't want it to just run anywhere and everywhere as sites or ads demand. I just want to be able to run it on this one page. So I went back to the settings and unchecked the flash function and tried to load my game again. Then i clicked on the lock icon and allowed flash. Vivaldi told me to refresh, so I did that. Then it tells me flash is blocked. When I check the lock again, it shows to "Allow" flash. Something seems to be wrong.
modedit added site to title
I agree, the current solution is not ideal.
What I think happened was, a lot of people (me included) were complaining that Vivaldi didn't remember the Site Settings for Flash. My guess is that this was actually done on purpose by Chromium devs to make it harder to playback flash.
Next year Flash will be out of support and probably the Allow Flash setting per site will be removed in Chromium sooner or later. So Vivaldi devs decided to make a global flag to enable/disable flash instead of a per-site setting, it was easier.
What I've done, is to create a policy object in the registry for Vivaldi:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Vivaldi\PluginsAllowedForUrls] "1"="" "2"="" "3"=""
Than you can add the sites you want Flash to always run on in this list by creating a new string value for this key.
Easy, right? -
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