Doubt: Page Tiling
@Nlope What you are showing there is not normal. Have you activated some setting to open every link in a new tab? That link was supposed to open in the same page you already had opened and tiled with the Google page. How it opened in an entirely new tab and "undid" tab tiling is not clear to me.
@Nlope muito obrigada. Eu entendo um pouco de português, então me ajuda muito se você também escreve em português. Eu simplesmente não consigo escrever sem ajuda de Google Translate.
Você também pode replicá-lo com uma instalação autônoma (standalone install)? -
Igualmente, thanks @gaelle.
@Ayespy said in Doubt: Page Tiling:
@Nlope What you are showing there is not normal. Have you activated some setting to open every link in a new tab? That link was supposed to open in the same page you already had opened and tiled with the Google page. How it opened in an entirely new tab and "undid" tab tiling is not clear to me.
I did not activate anything, I found it strange, for me it would be like this (correct me if I'm wrong) the side-by-side display should continue and the link be opened.
I do not think it's normal for the exhibit to be undone, what do you think?
(Não ativei nada, achei estranho, pra mim seria assim (me corrija se estiver errado) a exibição lado a lado deveria continuar e o link ser aberto.
Eu não acho normal a exibição ser desfeita, o que acham?). -
@Nlope That is correct. The link should open in one of the tabs you have tiled. It is opening in a new tab. That is wrong. Have you changed anything in vivaldi://flags? Do you run any extensions? What you are seeing is NOT how Vivaldi behaves - so something is wrong at your side.
@Ayespy said in Doubt: Page Tiling:
@Nlope That is correct. The link should open in one of the tabs you have tiled. It is opening in a new tab. That is wrong. Have you changed anything in vivaldi://flags? Do you run any extensions? What you are seeing is NOT how Vivaldi behaves - so something is wrong at your side.
The extensions I run are: Ublock Origin, Https Everywhere, and LastPass. I do not usually mess with vivaldi://flags precisely because of the probability of making a mistake.
(As extensões que executo são: Ublock Origin, Https Everywhere e LastPass. Não costumo mexer com o vivaldi://flags justamente pela probabilidade de dar algum erro.)
@gaelle I already have the Stable version installed as standalone (worth noting that in the Stable version does not occur what I reproduced in the Snapshot version.)
(Já tenho a versão Stable instalada como standalone (vale destacar que na versão Stable não ocorre o que reproduzi na versão Snapshot.)
@Nlope Does this happen in a private window in the Snapshot version?
@Ayespy It happens the same way.
(Ocorre da mesma maneira.) -
@Nlope As I cannot reproduce the symptom, I am going to recommend that you refresh your profile.
@Ayespy said in Doubt: Page Tiling:
@Nlope As I cannot reproduce the symptom, I am going to recommend that you [refresh your profile](
Thank you anyway.
@Nlope I'm serious about refreshing the profile. This can correct whatever changed or corrupted setting is causing the incorrect behavior.
@Ayespy I will do the procedure and give you feedback as soon as possible.
Would not it have a topic in English? Because to translate the Turkish gets more complicated. -
@Nlope Sorry. There was an error in the link. It should be refresh your profile
@Ayespy Thank you very much! Thanks for your patience.
Thanks, the error did not play again. Could you tell me if you have something in mind that might have caused it? Can I try translating the post into Portuguese? I promise to put the original link, of course if you give me the permission. -
@gaelle Sei que esse assunto não tem nenhuma ligação com o propósito do tópico, mas, porque os usuários comuns não podem ver/tem acesso ao histórico de edições nos tópicos ? Só vemos o nome de usuário que alterou e a quanto tempo isso ocorreu.
( @gaelle I know that this subject has no connection with the purpose of the topic, but why ordinary users can not see / have access to topic editing history? We only see the username that changed and how long that occurred.) -
@Nlope You have my permission. And as to what specifically caused it, I don't have a guess. It's an error I've never seen or heard of before.
Ppafflick moved this topic from Vivaldi for Windows on 4 Nov 2022, 16:38