Associate steam protocol (steam://) with linux steam client
Hi, I wasn't able to find the answer searching the Internet. Vivaldi just opens a blank page. Example of a link:
steam://connect/ <= connects to sever
steam://install/8230 <= installs the gameHere is developer reference: works out of the box on Windows, I believe. I am currently using Deepin (Distribution based on Debian unstable) and latest Snapshot of Vivaldi. Do you know how to fix this? Does it work with other distros for you? Thanks for any pointers!
FireFox handles the links without issues (even nighty directly run from the executable). -
I was digging around the Internet and here are some loosely related topics:!topic/chrome/rocErLlzdAA of this stuff looks outdated... a lot.
Magnet links are working and picking up the right association.
Chrome is not opening the steam:// links in Linux as well. -
@LeBaux Could you post the output of the following terminal command?
xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/steam
The fact that Firefox is handling the links suggests that the MIME association is okay, but Firefox has its own protocol handling settings that bypass the system mime.list files which could be activated, masking the fact that your system has lost the underlying entry defining the Steam client as the default handler. Vivaldi/Chromium respects the OpenDesktop standard as definitive so this is the place to dig for a solution to a problem like this for those browsers.
If the above command responds with something akin to
then this isn't the issue, but if responds with nothing or something wildly different then your issue can be resolved by making sure the following line exists in your steam.desktop fileMimeType=x-scheme-handler/steam;
then issuing this command in the terminal:
xdg-mime default steam.desktop x-scheme-handler/steam
Hope this helps.
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