Tips & Tricks
A little tip many of you might already know, might be useful for those who don't know though:
When you right-click in the address bar, there's no "Paste and go"-feature like in Opera or Chrome.
However, this works with Ctrl+Shift+V -
Vivaldi UI customization (and skinning) (Please PM me with any related tips and I'll try to update the following list as time permits.)
Edit Vivaldi UI font sizes in common.css (by Tiamarth) [modify path appropriate to current installation]
Create custom.css and modify Vivaldi common.css at each Vivaldi update to import custom.css (by An_dz)
Remove (or otherwise modify) space above top of tabs (by Pesala earlier in this thread)
A white skin (active thread started by widget, with growing list of Vivaldi "skin" editing issues, questions, and options)
Live skin editor for vivaldi (Feb 15, 2015 by widget) <<< [reported April 30, 2015 to not be working with TP3 (not verified)]
Make empty tab bar space to right of tabs "grabbable" to allow moving window (by An_dz) (added 04/13/2015)
Vivaldi UI Customisations (active thread started 04:57am UTC April 16, 2015 by An_dz) (added 04/16/2015)
CSS tweak to improve appearance of truncated tab previews (by An_dz) (added 04/19/2015)
Menu Modifications for Vivaldi (by davesnothere) (added 05/01/2015)
(Please PM me with any related tips and I'll try to update the above list as time permits.)
I have posted this in another thread but I'll add it here.
To access all Chromium default settings:
vivaldi://chrome/settings/search#aMay not work as intended with languages with non-latin scripts.
Backup your bookmarks from:
\Vivaldi\User Data\Default\Bookmarks
How start Vivaldi always on Speed Dial (instead of remember the last opened Tabs)
My idea:
The premade script by vinczej
This tip, while still working, is now outdated
Since the release of build Vivaldi includes the proper startup options.
Maybe it is not direct related but someone can like it. Here Vivaldi Tips
You can go by link with keyboard only:
- Hit Ctrl-F and find link text,
- Hit Esc, link is now selected,
- Hit Enter.
P.S. I wish there would be some key-binding like Ctrl-Enter to make last 2 steps into 1.
You can go by link with keyboard only:
- Hit Ctrl-F and find link text,
- Hit Esc, link is now selected,
- Hit Enter.
P.S. I wish there would be some key-binding like Ctrl-Enter to make last 2 steps into 1.
One of Vivaldi's title features is spatial navigation. Spatial navigation is a thing that makes it so you can browse the web 100% with your keyboard. Hold shift and press the arrow keys to highlight links. Pressing enter on any of them will load that url.
Spatial navigation is too slow for most scenarios. I still wish this search trick would be integrated with it: first search and then navigate.
P.S. Shift-Up/Down is broken in last snapshot. W/S still work though.
Control your tile grid for a group of tabs or tab a stack.
The tabs in your tile grid are sorted from left to right according to the order in the tab bar.
The grid shape is balancing the row-column ratio and filled left to right and up to down.
Means: The first columns of the first row is filled left to right, then the second row is added to the first column, followed by the second column until the last column, then the third row is added to the first column, …
Adding or removing tabs from the tiles group reorganises the grid shape.
Changing the order of the tabs in the tab bar, reorders the position of the tabs in the grid.
Tested on Vivaldi
Hey Wupi, you rock, but I think this code would be more effective to the "average" user by leaving out site and allowing google search from the address bar.
… '+location.hostname+'&search='+location.hostname)
I found a new use for single-key shortcuts, since I don't use them for spatial navigation. The only ones that I do use sometimes are z and x for back and forward, or 1,2 for previous next tab. I assigned these to open panels (b is already used for the Bookmarks Bar as per my earlier post in this thread).
- B = Bookmarks Bar
- b = Bookmarks Panel
- c = Contacts Panel
- d = Downloads Panel
- g = Google Translate Panel
- m = Mail Panel (When it's ready)
- n = Notes Panel
- v = Vivaldi Bug Report Panel
- V = Vimeo Uploads Panel
- y = YouTube Panel
Google site search on any webpage.
I think its more a generic chomium tweak but its useful IMHO.
Tools > Settings > Search > Add New Search Engine
javascript:void(location.href=''+location.hostname+'&sitesearch='+location.hostname)Description: Google site search Nickname: site (or whatever you want) Type site in you addressbar and what you looking for > :woohoo:
This just results in a blank page for me. (V1.3.551)
Trying to make a gestures more logical and memorable, as I think. Here is the picture:
Need backup your password?
activate chrome://flags/#password-import-export then restart
now open chrome://settings/passwords and export (*.csv) the password list (plain text).Import/export works between Chromium based Browser.
I've finally managed to optimize for display as a web panel with some custom CSS rules.
I'm using User CSS, but any custom CSS extension should be capable of doing the same thing.
In the end, it only took two rules:
._4_j5 { display: none; } ._4sp8 { min-width: 0; }
The first one turns off the panel on the right side that gives you information about the group you're in. It's fairly superfluous for a panel; if I need it I can always just use the in-facebook version. The second rule removes the
attribute and allows the page to compress below a width of 500 pixels.Figured I'd post it here because I found it helpful, and Messenger is a fairly common use-case for a panel.
@jfmonty2 said in Tips & Tricks:
The first one turns off the panel on the right side that gives you information about the group you're in.
You do know that you can show/hide the panel at any time by clicking the "Conversation information" icon in the upper right corner, right? And that Messenger remembers your setting so that you don't need to hide it each time you open the panel?
@pafflick Curses! I looked for a setting like that, but (perhaps naively) I was looking in Settings, so I didn't see it.
Oh well. Custom min-width is still useful so you haven't completely invalidated my clever hack.
Bangs With Search Engines
With DuckDuckGo, if one types an exclamation mark before the URL that one wants to search, one can type a search term afterwards to search the target site for the term.
For example:
! "white flash"
will search the Vivaldi forums for "White Flash".