Browser is the gateway to future
I believe browsers are the today and the future of the internet andthe center of its most avarage and top activities of the world's internet users.
That is why it makes sense to have an integrated email client, that is why having a webmail service, having intergrated feeds, translation tools, notes, calendars, contacts makes sense. It also makes sense to add many other futures that look like the domain of other type of products such as cloud, document editing and the like. This isn't far fethced thought. This is a choice of vision in my opinion.
Vivaldi made a choice with chromium. Many now wish that that choice were made in favor of gecko or anything but chromium. Now it needs harder work in terms of security and privacy and possibly costlier than it could have been otherwise for more advanced features. But it is a choice already made and show must go on.
We are heading towards a huge emphasis on privacy and cybersecurity, of AI capabilities, search, functionality and finacing those needs. In short, privacy + cybersecurity and functionality seems to be be heading towards being the crown of the needs of a browser currently.
Financing those is certainly is an issue for a modest company like Vivaldi. But we have got a good browser with many features that can still generate extra revenue while maintaining its souverignty over the product. email feeds etc.
Taking financial risks isn't everybody's cup of tea and certainly isn't an easy way but it is a powerful way. Is there a roadmap? Are there any intiatives to find sponsors with money to support this visionary roadmap while maintaining souverignty ? Are there any plans to integrate more features and expand areas where very few thought of and many laguhed at as a result of lack of vision? Are there any inititives or plans to monetize any of the existing features while full force feeding and improving them? Are there any initiatives to find more semi volunteers to write codes and test features in exchange of some things other than money. Are there any plans to expand not only browser features but also grow in the number of decision makers in the board of directors -if there is any.
There are many thoughts and ideas crossing my mind without knowing the other side of the kitchen but discussions of that sort is worth trying instead of relying on random likings or dislikings of a few when deciding on something.
I know what I am trying to convey is a bit obscure at this time but this is mainly because like many user , I am not aware of the inner workings of the product so it is a good way to start a public discussion without details in order to give room to new ideas - if this topic attracts any participants at all...
@iqaluit I think the way to go to generate revenue is some kind of subscription service that offers more benefits. Vivaldi is already ad-free, so some other incentives would need to be offered to subscribed Vivaldi users. This is what 𝕏 users currently have on offer if they subscribe. Subscription is entirely optional — I am happy with the basic features.