Too much change
Am sorry to say but after experiencing enormous problems with Vivaldi Email fetching other accounts (e.g. Outlook) I was (truly!) asked by Vivaldi Team to delete my entire Vivaldi account and go try again. Thats what I did and you ALL can imagine what this meant in terms of recovering a billion bookmarks passwords etc etc. I did anyways and Guess What?
It was the same all over again. Its obviously now being solved by VIVALDI server management but had nothing to do with my configuration of Outlook (use Oauth etc) config.
So now I'd like to change my Vivaldi EMail NAME and that also requires to entirely DELETE my account. Which I again did. (This time I exported all the data first
Only to find out that I am still existent with the old emailadress and the new account wouldnt accept the new set up of Email.
I am getting to the point where I am almost done with Vivaldi and I tell you all WHY: Too MANY Newbies, trying to always construct something new without ever thinking of usefulness etc. Get things straight before installing new features. Thats probably a good thing to do to save and keep USERS (who used to be VERY HAPPY) from going back to some rubbish like Internetexplorer or even Chrome. Thank YOU.