Vivaldi doesn't recall login info
Why is it necessary to always use a two-factor ID to enter my normal, usual, and frequently visited websites? I do not have the two-factor ID feature enabled on these sites, but it persists. Whatever happened to automatic login on my frequent sites?
How do I receive notifications such as email when my questions have received a reply? I specifically have to come back here and see if there have been any replies.
@KB7GP said in Vivaldi doesn't recall login info:
Why is it necessary to always use a two-factor ID to enter my normal, usual, and frequently visited websites? I do not have the two-factor ID feature enabled on these sites, but it persists. Whatever happened to automatic login on my frequent sites?
Have you activated with Settings → General → Startup → Last Session?
Passwords for websites allowed to store, see Settings → Privacy → Passwords?
Do you use password manager extension?
What is " two-factor ID"?
Which sites (URL) does that issue happen?Please try the troubleshooting steps, including testing in a clean profile and disabling adblocking/extensions: do I receive notifications such as email when my questions have received a reply? I specifically have to come back here and see if there have been any replies. section Email and Notifications. You can select in dropdown of listed how are notified.
@DoctorG said in Vivaldi doesn't recall login info:
Do you use password manager extension?
I don't know what this is. I use an external password manager but it is not connected to the browser. I do save my website passwords within Vivaldi as I normally do with any other browser I use, e.g. Chrome, Edge and so forth.
Two factor ID is often imposed by a website when you first login as a second validation for who you are. After you are validated, the site bypasses this feature unless something changes. Vivaldi seems to present me as a first time login user on these sites. It is never a simple login process... enter user name (usually automatically listed) followed by password (generally posted when the information is stored within Vivaldi). I always have to verify my credentials using another method such as phone text, Authenticator, email code. It gets pretty annoying!
DaveR -
Let me test on Google, Vivaldi Forum, Github with Two Factor.
Hi, many pages does this, I guess this is not a Vivaldi issue.
Login to Paypal, Amazon, Google services or my bank account ask for a verification if the browser/system is not already known.
Except for Paypal, bank you have never do it again.
I forgot the exact naming but iirc Amazon ask, "Should I trust this browser in the feature".
If you say Yes, you don`t need to verify again.
I hope I understand correctly what do you meant. -
@mib2berlin I tested Github, Google and Vivaldi Forum with my 2FA and a security key and all is fine.
Yes, work for me too.
Do you maybe clear cookies at restart? -
Very good possibility. I have been looking for that setting but so far, no luck.
DaveR -
Check privacy settings > Site Permissions > Cookies, setting have to be Allow not Session only.