WHY Speed Dial size change and other missing features on Vivaldi app?
Great desktop update. Unforunately many features still miss on the Android version... Such as the Speed Dial functions : why aren't they the same on both? Why no "very small" Speed Dial icons on Android for exemple? Why no link from Vivaldi app to Vivaldi mail and agenda? Why no link to a vpn? All these features exist since a long time on the desktop version but not on the app... So, please try to make BOTH desktop AND app versions more equal and compatible with the similar fonctions. Thanks in advance!
Hey @omxy!
Due to the small screen size, it doesn't make sense to offer all the same Speed Dial sizes on mobile as are available on desktop. The "Small" option in Settings > Start Page > Start Page Layout is the smallest option available.
Implementing Vivaldi Mail and Vivaldi Calendar on mobile is a massive undertaking and we're unlikely to take this on any time soon. You could create Home screen shortcuts of the web versions of your mail/calendar accounts in Vivaldi or add the same accounts to a dedicated mail/calendar app.
Vivaldi has never had VPN.