File Downloading
Hello! I'm often downloading large files, my internet isnt the best so it takes about an hour to download 3 gigs.
I would like to be able to go to sleep while files are downloading however if I have 4 files all 3+ gigs downloading at once they will all take days to download.
Is there a way I can get my downloads to download one at a time and automatically instead of me having to be awake to unpause the next file I want downloaded?
Similar to how Playstation or Xbox works where you can download minecraft and have terraria in the queue that will start automatically after minecraft has finished installing.
@Cameroonie Hi,
You need a download manager with support for resume and parallel threads. Browsers were never meant for such tasks.Here's some good ones for Windows (I don't know your OS): (cmdline but very powerful)There are also extensions for this, I would avoid them. Use a native client.
I add XDM which I'm using lately. The grabber works very well in vivaldi
@Pathduck Apologies, I use MacOS
@Cameroonie here you should find the best for you