Can you disable the auto folder creation on the Speed Dial screen when you drag/drop a link
A feature of the Speed Dial screen is really annoying me.
If you press/hold a link too long and drag it ontop of another, it creates a folder and puts the 2 links into it.
This isn't a terrible feature and if its your intention., its quite nice. But when you don't mean to do it, its annoying. And I seem to be doing it lots, by accident.
Reversing the process is fairly simple.. But you have to take both links out of the folder.. Move them back to their correct position... And then delete the folder.
Is there any way to disable the "folder creation" option in this view?
Is there any way to disable the "folder creation" option in this view?
Unfortunately, it's not possible to disable new folder creation using drag and drop.
The best advise I can give is that when you've already started dragging a speed dial, don't release your finger, while one of the other speed dials has a border around it. If your movements have been fast and the folder has been created, then your method to move the speed dials out of the folder is probably the best recovery method.
Thanks.. I feared as much.. I am doing this almost every day now and its annoying
Its just that my finger drags on the screen for an extra second and I don't realise that i am doing it.
I will teach myself not too.. But sometimes it just happens when I rest my hand down unintentionally..
I think I will create a feature request, in the hope they will offer an option to disable this function.