What is the status of VB (=already reported bug/issue)?
- VB-81877: Confirmed/Unassigned
- VB-92394: Confirmed/Unassigned
- VB-105599: Closed/Cannot Reproduce
@tekguru That report was seen as a missing feature, not as a important bug
Assuming here you are talking about VB-3169? What about the others?
@tekguru When i am asked i checked with latest 7.x Snapshot and update bug tracker. Sometimes i can ping a person from dev team to havbe a look.
Nothing more i can do as internal volunteer tester. -
And that is very much appreciated. I just wish the developers were interested in fixing issues. I still think the folks behind Vivaldi are skewed more towards 'non browser' features than fixing issues with the browser itself. After all that is its prime design.
@tekguru Please, do me a favour, the thread is for asking in status of a bug, should not run into discussions, we have threads in forum to enhace such disussion. Thanks for udnerstanding.
Can someone please check the status of VB-35278?
Last I heard (over half a year ago) it was "high priority". Is that still the case?Thanks in advanced
VB-35278: Reopened, unassigned.
Satus on VB-93761?
@bilallakhany said in What is the status of VB (=already reported bug/issue)?:
Closed as invalid.
A developer mentioned: set to tab order activaion
Open a new thread if you want to disscuss the issue.Cheers, mib
VB-105870 ? -
VB-105870: Confirmed, unassigned.
What is the present status of VB-103881?
Was broken in v6.2.3105.35 on Windows from 2023-08-28.
VB-103881: Duplicate of VB-104364. Confirmed, unassigned.
Hi Team !
Could I please get to know the status of VB-101341 ?
Thank you !
VB-101341: Duplicate of VB-101618 - confirmed, unassigned.
VB-91404, please.
@LigH said in What is the status of VB (=already reported bug/issue)?:
VB-91404, please.
- VB-91404: No change in status from the last time you inquired.
Asking for more than 2 years now, since May 2023 in this thread...