Sharing a QR Code from a webpage: a situation when I can't use it (Android)
Ok, so Vivaldi has this great feature where you can share a QR Code from a link (available in "Share" on the main menu). It works just fine, but I have the following situation: I use a gaming website that generates a link to a private game (you send that link to challenge a friend, he/she accepts and you both are on the same room, great).
I don't want to send the link and I don't want the person to create an account, I want to show a QR Code in my screen. I have the link, the link is generated correctly. But the QR Code feature doesn't grab the link from the clipboard (I can paste the correct link anywhere), I think it gets the link from the webpage that is loaded in the moment (and the page that is loaded is the main .com page, not the weird link I have to send to my friend). And the site is unable to load that page because it says I can't send a challenge to myself.
The Share section has a "copy to clipboard" which is not helpful at all. It should have a "paste what is in the clipboard" or something like that. Is there a solution inside Vivaldi to this (right now is my workaround)? Thanks.
@allanfelipebr When you open the QR code popup from the address field, the URL below the QR code image is an editable text box. You can paste the link from your clipboard there.
@nomadic Oh wait, I need to find that When I tap Share, there is "Long Screenshot", ", Print" and "QR Code" on top. Above these 3, there is the link which I'm tapping and not getting it as editable and when I touch "QR Code" it takes me directly to the QR Code with a "Download" button below it. What am I missing?
@allanfelipebr My mistake. Didn't see this was in the Android section. My reply is only relevant to the Desktop version.
Can you open the copied link in a new tab? Or does doing so invalidate it?
@nomadic So, unfortunately not. That's the point, it forbids me to visit the website I copied (because I can't enter the link to the game that challenged other person).
@allanfelipebr You don't have to see the correct page, you just need the correct address. When you try to visit the page, is the address still the one you pasted? If so, the QR code should work on your friend's device.
@allanfelipebr There is an App called Binary Eye that should be able to make a QR code from pasted info. See:
@sgunhouse I have the correct address, however, when I try to enter the website, it doesn't load it, it immediately goes back to the main page. For a moment I thought I found a solution: I can copy the link to the address bar and then "select all" and then "Share", but to my surprise the QR Code option is not there anymore (the whole line: " Long Screenshot" - "Print" - "QR Code" disappeared)!