What is the status of VB (=already reported bug/issue)?
@mackid1993 VB-94343: Confirmed and is assigned to a developer.
Any news on VB-105578 ?
@Hadden89 VB-105578: Confirmed, no developer assigned.
@mackid1993 Developer assigned, no progress.
Anything on VB-96614?
@HauntedBunnies Confirmed, no developer assigned.
@lockrol Unconfirmed.
Two new bugs appeared with recent Snapshots. Still present in 6.10.3494.33
- VB-110397 View Menu Checkmarks out of Sync (15/10/2024)
- VB-110398 Vivaldi Button Menu Icons and Window Control Icons are Missing (15/10/2024)
@Pesala VB-110397 Unconfirmed
I can not reproduce it on Win 11110398 Closed as Cannot Reproduce
Could you please tell what's the status of VB-109998?
I really hope it won't make it into the next stable release. -
@RammsteinAM Confirmed, no dev assigned.
VB-103472, VB-103471, VB-103468, VB-103466, VB-103461, VB-103460, VB-103459, VB-103458, VB-100986, VB-99892, VB-94006, VB-93745, VB-90416, VB-90270, VB-90033?
- VB-90033: Confimed, not assigned to a developer.
- VB-90270: Resolved, duplicate of VB-14869 (resolved, invalid).
- VB-90416: Resolved, duplicate of VB-88096 (confirmed, not assigned).
- VB-93745: Confirmed, not assigned.
- VB-94006: Resolved, duplicate of VB-95164 (confirmed, not assigned).
- VB-99892: Closed, cannot reproduce.
- VB-100986: Confirmed, assigned to a developer.
VB-103458, 103459, 103460, 103461, 103466, 103468, 103471 and 103472: All converted to feature requests, none have been assigned.
VB-106824, please.
@Queex Duplicate of VB-103682 "[Regression] "Mute Tab" not showing check mark"- Confirmed, no dev assigned.
Any updates on VAB-10213 ? If not then what's next
@lockrol Issue unable to reproduce. If you need support, ask in a new thread.
Regression still exists in RC1
VB-110397 View Menu Checkmarks out of Sync (15/10/2024)
Address Bar and Panels are missing their checkmarks whether those toolbars are enable or not.