Solved Friday poll: bookmarks time!
As every Friday, we bring you a fresh new poll, this time about the way you organize your bookmarks.
Are you a structured person or do you rather just save everything into a single bookmarks folder? Do you even have bookmarks? Show us your true colours!
With a bit of delay here are last week's poll results!
Apparently 60% of you are proud of how structured your bookmarks are (wouldn't expect less ), 23% have only a couple of folders and 10% could not care less about organizing their bookmarks, while the remaining 7% don't even save bookmarks.
I have a couple of folders. (33%, 1 Votes)
Vivaldi's bookmark management is one of its strongest features for me and one of the things that got me hooked.
Firefox has a decent bookmarks manager, but the other Chromium browsers are absolutely terrible at it. It's almost like managing bookmarks were an after-thought in these browsers. It's the bookmarks bar, and that's it basically - the manager itself is hidden away and most users don't even know it exists.
Half the internet, well sorted in a lot of folders and subfolders (~25 folders and some direct accesses in the bookmark bar for the most used).
Voted 71%
I imagine that people who use this features tend not to use bookmarks.
Personally I don't use this function, I use Bookmarks and Reading list. Many folders and subfolders.
That's why I don't really understand the complaints from users that this function doesn't fit what they want, if they can get them with “certainty” through the bookmarks.
Bookmarks are very important to me, so I have a large bookmark collection:
As you can see in the picture (see red arrow) I use a bookmark mod, created by @nomadic.
It is a Javascript mod:
(function bookmarkButton() { // ============================================================================================================ // Bookmarks button in front of the address field // URL: // Description: Adds a bookmark button in front of the address field that opens a dropdown menu of all bookamrks // Author(s): @nomadic // CopyRight: No Copyright Reserved // ============================================================================================================ // Config ------------ const COMMAND_CHAIN_BUTTON_NAME = "Lesezeichen"; // ------------------- async function handleBookmarkMenuEvents(windowId, event) { const bookmarkListFromID = await chrome.bookmarks.get(; const bookmark = bookmarkListFromID[0]; switch (event.command) { case "addactivetab": const isItemAFolder = bookmark.url === undefined; const parentId = isItemAFolder ? : bookmark.parentId; const index = isItemAFolder ? null : bookmark.index + 1; chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, (tabs) => { const currentTab = tabs[0]; chrome.bookmarks.create({ parentId: parentId, index: index, title: currentTab.title, url: currentTab.url }); }); break; case "addbookmark": // TODO: No current solution, can't open bookmark dialog break; case "addfolder": // TODO: No current solution, can't open bookmark dialog break; case "addseparator": chrome.bookmarks.create({ index: bookmark.index + 1, parentId: bookmark.parentId, title: "---", url: "http://bookmark.placeholder.url/", description: "separator" }); break; case "edit": // TODO: No current solution, can't open bookmark dialog break; case "cut": // TODO: No current solution, can't make work with built in function in bookmark panel and page break; case "copy": // TODO: No current solution, can't make work with built in function in bookmark panel and page break; case "paste": // TODO: No current solution, can't make work with built in function in bookmark panel and page break; case "delete": // function works without special handling break; default: break; } removeBookmarkListeners(); } async function handleBoormarkOpenEvents(windowId, event) { let isOpenedInBackgroundTab = event.background; const bookmarkListFromID = await chrome.bookmarks.get(; const bookmarkClicked = bookmarkListFromID[0]; // determine the bookmarks to open, an individual or a folder of bookmarks const bookmarkChildren = await chrome.bookmarks.getChildren(; let bookmarksToOpen; if (bookmarkChildren.length === 0) { bookmarksToOpen = [bookmarkClicked]; } else { bookmarksToOpen = bookmarkChildren; } for (bookmark of bookmarksToOpen) { switch (event.disposition) { // Depends on the setting for whether the bookmark is opened in a new tab or not case "setting": let shouldOpenInNewTab = await vivaldi.prefs.get("vivaldi.bookmarks.open_in_new_tab"); const crtlKeyState = event.state.ctrl; const middleMouseState =; // adjust whether opened in the background depending on ctrl key or middle mouse press // isOpenedInBackgroundTab = isOpenedInBackgroundTab || crtlKeyState || middleMouseState; // Force to open in background tab isOpenedInBackgroundTab = true; // adjust whether opened in new tab depending on ctrl key or middle mouse press // shouldOpenInNewTab = shouldOpenInNewTab || crtlKeyState || middleMouseState; // Force to open in new tab shouldOpenInNewTab = true; if (shouldOpenInNewTab) { chrome.tabs.create({ active: !isOpenedInBackgroundTab, url: bookmark.url }); } else { chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, (tabs) => { const currentTab = tabs[0]; chrome.tabs.update(, { url: bookmark.url }); }); } break; case "new-tab": chrome.tabs.create({ active: !isOpenedInBackgroundTab, url: bookmark.url }); break; case "current": chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, (tabs) => { const currentTab = tabs[0]; chrome.tabs.update(, { url: bookmark.url }); }); break; case "new-window": => {{ url: bookmark.url, height: window.height, width: window.width, top:, left: window.left }); }); break; case "new-private-window": => {{ incognito: true, url: bookmark.url, height: window.height, width: window.width, top:, left: window.left }); }); break; default: break; } } removeBookmarkListeners(); } function removeBookmarkListeners() { vivaldi.menubarMenu.onBookmarkAction.removeListener(handleBookmarkMenuEvents); vivaldi.menubarMenu.onOpenBookmark.removeListener(handleBoormarkOpenEvents); } async function openBookmarkDropdown(event) { // clear any existing listeners removeBookmarkListeners(); vivaldi.menubarMenu.onBookmarkAction.addListener(handleBookmarkMenuEvents); vivaldi.menubarMenu.onOpenBookmark.addListener(handleBoormarkOpenEvents); const windowID = await vivaldi.windowPrivate.getCurrentId(); const rect =;{ windowId: windowID, id: "1", siblings: [ { folderGroup: true, id: "1", offset: 0, rect: { x: parseInt(rect.left), y: parseInt(, width: parseInt(rect.width), height: parseInt(rect.height), }, }, ], sortField: "title", sortOrder: "ascending", edge: "off", icons: [ "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAAyUlEQVR42q3TvQrCMBDAcV+ro7vvURx9AXVyaUGwuzinfsw66OYD+AJ2K21DUlooDaXEXOGki7mCDfy4G5L/lslsvvjLuAFz1j9MBwe01queped5F8dxthAZGti0bfvFGHsIISRGyEDTNDsjAEqpAALanH7EGqjr+tDnuu4+DMM78H3/DHesgaqqjhYnMlCW5bUoihuAHSciA+bBM8/zDuw4cScDUsqXDRngnL9RlmURTtzJQJIkPE3TDuw4ERmI41jZkIEhRv2NH2DDzUU+EiSYAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAQAAAC1+jfqAAAAqUlEQVR4AWP4z4gfElbAYMNQw9AAhSkMzBgKgNIiDOxQGMXgg6mgQYVdBSgJwgx8DLkMtUiwgsEXqKCBBwGTeKP5ENBbkKEBpEAAAftBGEKC+WAFlaK4IVhBjhQCFkiCMAKCFYTKIWCELAhHyMbJgXCcHFiBk7KTsicYI6CLEgi7KIEV6KnrqauDMAJARIAQpKCWz1RQBzvkMgWGBYMjkGjADoEyjpTHJgCRpZrxxM2tswAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==", "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAQAAAC1+jfqAAAAZElEQVR42mNgoBj8if/9/vd/MHz/ux6Lgl/3//j+NwbBP76/n/2u/y+ApuD3f4g0VMlmqGlg+Of+n3gUBejwj+/v93gV/Df+/X+IKHgPCyhs3vxzn+FXwq/7yIGDAt//SqA8MgF9hfa1XsQ+LgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==", "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAQAAAC1+jfqAAAAAmJLR0QA/4ePzL8AAAAJcEhZcwAACxMAAAsTAQCanBgAAAAHdElNRQfiAxMIBBzsKlp7AAAA6klEQVQoz42RP04CURDGf8MObmyk8QSElhtQYGdBYSgJhhvABTCEI+AFJJGaUEDiRewojKEBJWGzBXlRGQoWeKsJOJN5k5l8b/59YsJJyXBGhBJlNIlmPNnmN6TNNWGiNSomaVW0EMOUAlMY05C29/mLV4V69pDYvPedN/QqmLQUDhMARSJyQESOCGyCgjtWYJHY/gWF2AOofYuav4PC3GsR2I+MeoDcNUePQF5hmYUQR5iALAMQXexurPCp4AhxKcCb7rzwcPUSrP2uR3bc5fpWuKFEkLptFYAhVYwP+cumDAA6993nf7G5BYxPRUIY3xtuAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAQAAAC1+jfqAAAAbElEQVR42mNgoBj8if/9/vd/MHz/ux6Lgl/3//j+NwbBP76/n/2u/y+ApuD3f4g0VMlmqGlg+Of+n3gUBejwj+/v93gV/Df+/Z90BRi+wFQAcSCcpoKC97CAwuGGXwm/7iMHDoYJDFicTZICAK40+w1CznHyAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAACfSURBVHgBvZIxCgMhEEXHkEZPscex1s7LZHMWwU5bvU1yCW3NuoEQwoy6BPY1Mvh9OirAn7Dvwhjz2IYFya3OuTsmuPzUC+Csm/w2I+iBSo4IUAkpkFKC1hqVTAkaSilK8uFKTaSUQAixC0opEGNEc90TMPZ+Zc45mSEFbefWgvceQgikgGwh5wzW2r2VHt07mOHoPxgKnqMFtdZh5lxeJo4r4FiF0c8AAAAASUVORK5CYII=", "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAACfSURBVHgBvZIxCgMhEEXHkEZPscex1s7LZHMWwU5bvU1yCW3NuoEQwoy6BPY1Mvh9OirAn7Dvwhjz2IYFya3OuTsmuPzUC+Csm/w2I+iBSo4IUAkpkFKC1hqVTAkaSilK8uFKTaSUQAixC0opEGNEc90TMPZ+Zc45mSEFbefWgvceQgikgGwh5wzW2r2VHt07mOHoPxgKnqMFtdZh5lxeJo4r4FiF0c8AAAAASUVORK5CYII=", ], }); } // Adapted from @luetage's mod: // Bind bookmark dropdown to command chain button let appendChild = Element.prototype.appendChild; Element.prototype.appendChild = function () { if (this.tagName === "BUTTON") { setTimeout( function () { if (this.classList.contains("ToolbarButton-Button")) { if (this.title === COMMAND_CHAIN_BUTTON_NAME && !== "PanelBookmarks") { this.addEventListener("click", openBookmarkDropdown); } } }.bind(this, arguments[0]) ); } return appendChild.apply(this, arguments); }; })();
Once you have installed this mod, you have to create a simple command chain:
Finally, just add the bookmark button to the address bar:
I also like to use the quick commands to call up bookmarks, because many of my bookmarks have a nickname.
I have linked the quick commands (F2) to a button on my programmable mouse.
There is no quicker way to open your bookmarks.
are these polls Development influencers or just for fun
@marialeal -
Folders. Folders within folders. Separators between groups of related bookies. And I place the main folders in the Bookmarks toolbar folder so they cascade easily in groups.
Separators could use a little fixing, btw. Instead of a solid line, I now get this:
I don't really use bookmarks much. I go by memory or just use a search engine to find sites.
Folders are evil, even for bookmarks!
@Pathduck said in Friday poll: bookmarks time!:
Vivaldi's bookmark management is one of its strongest features for me and one of the things that got me hooked.
Firefox has a decent bookmarks manager, but the other Chromium browsers are absolutely terrible at it. It's almost like managing bookmarks were an after-thought in these browsers. It's the bookmarks bar, and that's it basically - the manager itself is hidden away and most users don't even know it exists.
I think Firefox has better bookmarks manager, mostly because it has 2 pane layout and you can d&d bookmarks around.
I guess you can do the same with Vivaldi by activating bookmarks side-bar, but it's just workaround.
Sadly I haven't noticed much improvements of bookmarks management in Vivaldi for the last several years. Also adding bookmarks via bookmark button is still confusing, I don't like that it adds bookmarks automatically without any confirmation. And there is still no drop-down bookmarks menu button.
I think poll link is missing
I think I was one of the first to break Vivaldi's bookmark file by having way too many bookmarks. So, of course I have a lot of folders and subfolders.
@Stardust said in Friday poll: bookmarks time!:
Also adding bookmarks via bookmark button is still confusing, I don't like that it adds bookmarks automatically without any confirmation.
Hi, go to Menu → Settings → Bookmarks → Bookmarks and put a check mark on "Always Open Bookmark Dialog" so when you click on the button the popup opens.
I'm a hoarder, lots of bookmarks in lots of organized folders.
@Folgore101 said in Friday poll: bookmarks time!:
I'm a hoarder, lots of bookmarks in lots of organized folders.
Nothing wrong with hoarding bookmarks - as long a you don't overdo it like some users getting into the 100k range, that's just insane, no-one needs that many bookmarks.
Fun Fact: The Chromium Sync API only supports max 100.000 bookmarks. Once you reach that limit, bookmarks will fail to sync
And 50% are outdated because the page is down, the company go bust or the page owner is dead.Cheers, mib
@Pathduck I don't think i'll get to those numbers , but I should definitely do some cleaning.
Is there any way to know how many bookmarks you have?
@Folgore101 said in Friday poll: bookmarks time!:
Is there any way to know how many bookmarks you have?
There are several, but not well-known.
will show the number, this also includes folders (this count is included in the 100k Sync limit)- Use a tool: - The hard-core way
$ grep -c 'url":' Bookmarks 964
$ jq 'recurse | objects | select(has("url")) .url' Bookmarks | wc -l 964
@Folgore101 said in Friday poll: bookmarks time!:
Hi, go to Menu → Settings → Bookmarks → Bookmarks and put a check mark on "Always Open Bookmark Dialog" so when you click on the button the popup opens.
It does nothing to prevent automatically adding bookmark to the last used folder. I want to select a folder where to save bookmark and press Ok or Done to confirm it.
@Pathduck On the laptop for work from chrome://sync-internals the voice "Bookmarks Total Entries: 225".
@Stardust said in Friday poll: bookmarks time!:
It does nothing to prevent automatically adding bookmark to the last used folder.
Yes it adds it in the last folder used.
I want to select a folder where to save bookmark and press Ok or Done to confirm it.
Which is what you do through the popup that opens, you choose the folder you are interested in and confirm with the "Done" button.
@Folgore101 said in Friday poll: bookmarks time!:
Which is what you do through the popup that opens, you choose the folder you are interested in and confirm with the "Done" button.
What I do, because I have an organized structure, I use the Bookmarks menu and select the folder directly:
Or I use the Bookmarks panel and just use the context menu:
If I'm really lazy and use the mouse, I drag+drop from the url field into the panel folder.
The bookmarks button dialog is a usability mess so I don't use it.