Error adding calendar event from invitation email
I receive an event invitation through email. I click on the "Accept" button. This triggers popup asking me which calendar account I want to add this event to. In the popup, I select my desired calendar account. I would then expect my event to be shown in my calendar. Instead, my event is not added to my calendar, and I see the following error message:
Error handling invite. Attendee not found
What does this message mean? How can I resolve this error?
Hm. There seems to be a problem matching your email address with the email addresses listed as participants in the event. Please download the ICS file attached to the email and open it in a text editor (such as Notepad or TextEdit). Do you see a list of email addresses in the file? Do you see your own email listed in the file? Or some of your other email address aliases? Could you confirm if this is the same email address as configured in your calendar? (Settings: Calendar: Integrations: Calendar Mail Account.)
@daniel thank you so much for helping. Yes, what you described is true, and expected. The invitation was sent to the address of format [email protected], while my address is of format [email protected]. This is intentional. Why is this fact preventing me from accepting my invitations?
@tomica Thank you for confirming the details. Event invites can contain a list of participants, listed by their email addresses. Vivaldi Calendar struggles with accepting invitations to events where it can’t recognize your email address from the list of participants. It’s a bug, and we hope to address it in a future update.
As a temporary workaround: You can edit the email address in the ICS file and open the corrected version in Vivaldi.
Update: This is tracked internally as issue VB-97343.
@daniel thanks a lot for the info. I'm happy this is being worked on. In the mean time, may I suggest improving the error message so that the issue easier to understand? "Attendee not found" really didn't help me understand what the problem is about. Perhaps "Email address associated with your calendar account is missing from the attendees list"?
@tomica [Subject to change. I can’t promise when it’ll be done.] We plan to properly find the attendee (from the email envelope headers), and hide the RSVP user-interface when you’re not invited (e.g., when its forwarded). So, the error condition should not occur anymore.
If you weren’t directly invited, you’ll have to manually email the organizer to let them know you’re coming. (This is what other calendaring software does too.)
@daniel Any news on this? Just received a forwarded e-mail and logically I wasn't one of the attendees. I did add the invite to the calendar and I think I should have that option but the RSVP shows and should be hidden like your one post says.