AutoHotKey Recipes for Vivaldi
When "I'm not a robot" show up, automatically search using another search engine.
Update: Oct. 24, 2022
Menu Tray, Icon, imageRes.dll, 96 #Persistent SetTimer,Startpage,3000 Startpage: IfWinActive, ahk_exe vivaldi.exe { SetTitleMatchMode, 2 IfWinActive, { ClipSaved := ClipboardAll sleep 50 send, ^k sleep 80 send, ^c ClipWait,2 send, ^w Run, Clipboard := ClipSaved sleep 50 ClipSaved = } } Return
Multiple Search & Tile
^+k:: Gui, Color, e6e6fa, f5f5f5 Gui, Add, Edit Gui, Add, Button, Ggoogle, Google(JP) Google(En) Gui, Add, Button, Ggooduck , Google DuckDuckGo Gui, Add, Button, Gyodoama , Yodobashi Amazon Gui, show Return google: ClipSaved := ClipboardAll GuiControlGet, clipboard, , Edit1 Run, Run, sleep 1000 send, ^{F9} Clipboard := ClipSaved ClipSaved = GUI, Destroy Return gooduck: ClipSaved := ClipboardAll GuiControlGet, clipboard, , Edit1 Run, Run, sleep 1000 send, ^{F9} Clipboard := ClipSaved ClipSaved = GUI, Destroy Return Yodoama: ClipSaved := ClipboardAll GuiControlGet, clipboard, , Edit1 Run, Run, sleep 1000 send, ^{F9} Clipboard := ClipSaved ClipSaved = GUI, Destroy Return
I do date and time entries so often in so many apps, I just use this to automatically do date and time whenever it type 3 ds or 3 ts:*:ddd:: ;Date alone, not bold
Formattime, Currentdate,, MMM dd yyyy
SendInput %CurrentDate%
Return:*:ttt:: ;time alone
Formattime, CurrentTime,, hh:mm
sendInput %CurrentTime%
Return -
Great job! -
@shifte hallo, someone has already done it through AutoControl, or a different suggestion than to do so???
AutoControl is a extension for Chrome, so not have commands for Vivaldi.
I'm not sure. I'm not using AutoControl now. -
I have a question about session autosave!!!
In my environment, I don't have to set an appropriate number as the name, but if I hit enter, with no input, it automatically becomes the name of the date! Is it just me? Or was this implemented in a recent update? I forgot.
(Forgive the Japanese in the image. ️)Personally, I'd be more than happy to have it set to the date on its own, so here's what I've done!(I assign session save to Ctrl+R, so that's what the code is for.)
#Persistent IfWinExist ahk_exe vivaldi.exe { WinActivate, ahk_exe vivaldi.exe Sleep 300 Send,^r Sleep,300 Send,{Enter} } else { Run, "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe" Sleep 4000 Send,^r Sleep,300 Send,{Enter} } Sleep 300 ExitApp
Still, great code, thanks seriously! Woo hoo!!!
Yeah, you're right! I have never noticed that.
With the Stable Channel, I can't press the save button when the Session Name is blank.
With the Snapshot, I can press the save button. -
Question.When the Vivaldi browser is inactive, is it possible to save the session and then make the originally open window active again?
For example.
1, I am working in Notepad.
2, At the time specified in the task scheduler, the Vivaldi browser becomes active and automatically saves the session.
3, minimize the Vivaldi browser and make Notepad active again...I have tried everything in my own way and asked ChatGPT for a few days, but I couldn't get it to work...
The idea is to get the current active window before executing the code, and switch to the acquired active window after executing the code...?
Or, minimize the Vivaldi browser after the code is executed, but not if Vivaldi was already active before the code was executed...?
I can come up with the idea, but I am having trouble with the technology to code it....
I've asked various ChatGPTs to code it for me, but they were all very subtle.
It minimizes even when Vivaldi is active, and vice versa, it doesn't minimize even when the Vivaldi browser is not active....
I would be glad if you could let me know if you have some free time.... Ignoring is totally OK. Sorry for asking so brazenly.
Translated with (free version)
【Text before translation】
It just needs to add "WinMinimize ahk_exe C:\your installation path\vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe " to one line above "ExitApp".btw, what a coincidence! I wanted to ask you as well.
As for .
Could you move the post content?
Sorry, I was mistaken!
↓ Try this!#Persistent IfWinExist ahk_exeC:\software\vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe { IfWinActive ahk_exeC:\software\vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe { Send,^!+s Sleep,300 IME_OFF() Sleep,300 Random, rnd ,10,99 Send,%rnd% Sleep 500 Send,{Enter} } IfWinNotActive ahk_exeC:\software\vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe { WinActivate, ahk_exe C:\software\vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe Sleep 300 Send,^!+s Sleep,300 IME_OFF() Sleep,300 Random, rnd ,10,99 Send,%rnd% Sleep 500 Send,{Enter} sleep 200 WinMinimize ahk_exe C:\software\vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe } } else { Run, C:\software\vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe Sleep 3000 Send,^!+s Sleep,300 IME_OFF() Sleep,300 Random, rnd ,10,99 Send,%rnd% Sleep 500 Send,{Enter} Sleep 200 } Sleep 300 ExitApp IME_OFF() { If (IME_IsON(WinExist("A"))) { IME_ON(WinExist("A"), False) } } IME_IsON(hWindow) { ; WM_IME_CONTROL= 0x0283 ; IMC_GETOPENSTATUS = 0x0005 bufCurrentDetectMode := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows, On buf := DllCall("user32.dll\SendMessageA", "UInt", DllCall("imm32.dll\ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd", "Uint",hWindow), "UInt", 0x0283, "Int", 0x0005, "Int", 0) DetectHiddenWindows, %bufCurrentDetectMode% Return buf } IME_ON(hWindow, IsON) { ; WM_IME_CONTROL = 0x0283 ; IMC_SETOPENSTATUS = 0x0006 bufCurrentDetectMode := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows, On buf := DllCall("user32.dll\SendMessageA", "UInt", DllCall("imm32.dll\ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd", "Uint",hWindow), "UInt", 0x0283, "Int", 0x0006, "Int", IsON) DetectHiddenWindows, %bufCurrentDetectMode% Return buf }
@shifte said in AutoHotKey Recipes for Vivaldi:
Could you move the post content?
What does this mean? Sorry I don't understand English. Stop publishing articles and write only in the Vivaldi forum! Does this mean? ...🥲Or do you want me to keep the article but write the content in the Vivaldi forum? I didn't have the idea of writing in the Vivaldi forum because it's kind of my record .
Sorry, I was mistaken!
Oooooh! Thank you. After staring at it for a few hours since then, I am now using the following code.
; Vivaldiウィンドウをアクティブにする IfWinNotActive, ahk_exe vivaldi.exe { WinActivate, ahk_exe vivaldi.exe } else { Sleep 100 Send, ^r Sleep 100 Send, {Enter} ExitApp } WinGet, winList, List, ahk_exe vivaldi.exe Loop, %winList% { this_id := winList%A_Index% WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %this_id% If (title != "ピクチャー イン ピクチャー") { WinActivate, ahk_id %this_id% Sleep 100 Send, ^r Sleep 100 Send, {Enter} WinMinimize, ahk_id %this_id% break } } ExitApp
I knew you would use IfWinNotActive in the same way...! Excellent. It is very helpful. If I have created another window with Picture-in-Picture, the Picture-in-Picture will be active and executed, so I try to execute it on the Vivaldi window, not on the window title "Picture-in-Picture".
It is mostly left to ChatGPT rather than me creating it...
Note that I am using the snapshot version, so it is not a random number, just Enter. It saves it with the current date.
Thank you so much for taking the trouble to send me the modified code. I'm glad to hear it. Have a great day.
Translated with (free version)
「post content」は画像の赤で囲った部分のことです。ナポさんのブログ記事のことではありません。
「 -
なるほど!って、よっぽど @shifte 様のほうが詳しいとは思いますが、僕のほうでも試してみました。以下のCSSって感じですかね?
/*スレッドのタイトル横幅*/ .col-md-6 { width: 75%; } /*スレッド内容の横幅、左余白*/ .col-md-3 { width: 68%; margin-left: 70px; }
/*スレッド内容、下部移動*/ li[component="categories/category"]>div:nth-of-type(3) { float: none; }
/*スレッドのタイトル横幅*/ .col-md-6 { width: 75%; } /*スレッド内容の横幅、左余白*/ .col-md-3 { width: 68%; margin-left: 70px; }
↓素晴らしい!! 何か上手くいかなくて「ナポさんならできるだろ」と丸投げに走りましたw
記事の公開をやめて、Vivaldi フォーラムだけに書き込みましょう! これはどういう意味ですか?
1人、ビアホールの銀座ライオンでビールを飲んで待っていたN君以来の出来事ですw -
Move window from the left monitor to the right monitor:
WIN + Right key
#right:: WinGet, mm, MinMax, A WinRestore, A WinGetPos, X, Y,,,A WinMove, A,, X+A_ScreenWidth, Y if(mm = 1) { WinMaximize, A } return
Move window from the right monitor to the left monitor:
WIN + Left key#left:: WinGet, mm, MinMax, A WinRestore, A WinGetPos, X, Y,,,A WinMove, A,, X-A_ScreenWidth, Y if(mm = 1) { WinMaximize, A } return
I can't remember where I got it.
Suppress the display of window borders. (AHKv2)
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 DWMWA_COLOR_DEFAULT := 0xFFFFFFFF DWMWA_COLOR_NONE := 0xFFFFFFFE BorderColor := DWMWA_COLOR_NONE SetTimer(SetBorderColor.Bind(BorderColor)) return SetBorderColor(BorderColor) { static WS_POPUP := 0x80000000 static DWMWA_BORDER_COLOR := 34 for hWnd in WinGetList('ahk_exe vivaldi.exe') { try { Style := WinGetStyle('ahk_id' hWnd) if (Style & WS_POPUP) return _DwmSetWindowAttribute(hWnd, DWMWA_BORDER_COLOR, BorderColor, 4) } } _DwmSetWindowAttribute(hWnd, dwAttribute, pvAttribute, cbAttribute) { DllCall('dwmapi.dll\DwmSetWindowAttribute', 'Ptr', hWnd, 'UInt', dwAttribute, 'UInt*', pvAttribute, 'UInt', cbAttribute) } }
I made DoubleCursor to help me scroll two documents at the same rate. With scrollwheel it works 100%, but the other buttons sometimes are sent to only one tile. I don't know why, but if you have suggestions please let me know!
@barbudo2005 win+shift+arrow is the native shortcut for that, works for all windows