Vivaldi keeps craching with Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file: No such file: (null). Arch linux
My vivaldi keeps crashing. The issue is here for the last 3-4 updates. When I run it on terminal I always get this error before the crash:
"Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file: No such file: (null)"Searched the internet for that and I got a generic solution to export the path for the font.
export FONTCONFIG_FILE=/etc/fonts/fonts.conf
export FONTCONFIG_PATH=/etc/fonts/
Done that didn't work.
Not sure if the root cause is in vivaldi but it shouldn't cause segmentation error.
here are the last logs:*[5289:5301:1117/] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -202 [5255:5255:1117/104556.190740:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not find guest", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0) [5255:5255:1117/104556.214900:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not find guest", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0) [5255:5255:1117/104556.214971:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not find guest", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0) [5255:5255:1117/104556.977574:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not find guest", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0) [5255:5255:1117/104556.994042:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not find guest", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0) [5255:5255:1117/104556.994161:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not find guest", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0) [5255:5255:1117/104557.602688:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not find guest", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0) [5255:5255:1117/104557.627904:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not find guest", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0) [5255:5255:1117/104557.630766:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not find guest", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0) [5255:5255:1117/104557.630873:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not find guest", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0) [5255:5255:1117/104558.392124:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not find guest", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0) [5255:5255:1117/104558.408631:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not find guest", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0) [5255:5255:1117/104558.410067:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not find guest", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0) Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file: No such file: (null) [5255:5255:1117/] page load error Segmentation fault (core dumped)"*
I tried to report the crash using the debug executable found from here:
but I think it is not reproducible with that executable.
Using arch linux.
kernel: core/linux 5.9.8.arch1-1Vivaldi 3.4.2066.106 (Stable channel) (64-bit)
Revision 9faa7da6e287d30fe3948ac5d9d62aefe7977da5
OS Linux
JavaScript V8 8.6.395.25
Flash (Disabled)P.S.
I noticed that vivaldi has been moved to the official arch channel not sure if this is related -
Well and do you have
? FYI:$ pacman -Qo /etc/fonts/fonts.conf /etc/fonts/fonts.conf is owned by fontconfig 2:2.13.91+48+gfcb0420-2
I think (only think) the crash could as well be caused by
[5255:5255:1117/] page load error
I noticed that vivaldi has been moved to the official arch channel not sure if this is related
Not at all.
Just confirming same, fwiw.
steffie@archlinuxTower[~] 20:14:22 Tue Nov 17 $> pacman -Qo /etc/fonts/fonts.conf /etc/fonts/fonts.conf is owned by fontconfig 2:2.13.91+48+gfcb0420-2
yes that was the first thing I checked (forgot to mention it)
"pacman -Qo /etc/fonts/fonts.conf
/etc/fonts/fonts.conf is owned by fontconfig 2:2.13.91+48+gfcb0420-2"I also tried to delete all the cache and config files for a clean install run but the issue is still there.
I think (only think) the crash could as well be caused by
My eye got stack only on the font config error. I will run it again o terminal and see on the next crash if i have the same thumbnail error.
@nickname13 You said in OP:
When I run it on terminal I always get this error before the crash
Can i ask -- what specific activities are you doing immediately before the crash -- the identical stuff each time, or purely random / variable?
Also, if you open a clean/test profile, does it still crash?
random staff.
most of the times it crashes on the background. -
@nickname13 OK... & the profile?
@Steffie Cool, I didn’t even notice it isn’t at startup.
@Steffie I will have to test it. Never used the profile. I will use the guest profile for some time.
But in the past I tried to clean everything (cache and config) and I only kept the bookmarks. Isn't that pretty much the same?
@nickname13 No, because I have a suspicion it is because of bookmarks.
One other thing to try, make a new empty bookmarks folder & set it as speed dial. Make sure it’s the first folder there (so no bookmarks are visible in a new tab). Stop using the SD altogether (for some time).
Thanks a lot.
Will try all those things@Gwen-Dragon I saw those but there was not reported any crash I think. just the logs. anyway thanks!
@nickname13 Just to clarify, so we all know we're talking about the same thing ... i'm not alluding to anything rocket-sciencey, just simply this:
@Steffie Yes thanks. There is also a guest profile there so I will use that one instead of creating a new profile
After 24 hours with no crash following @potmeklecbohdan advice on creating an empty bookmark folder and set it as speed dial. I can safely say that this workaround works perfectly.
Thanks everybody.
P.S. so I guess the real issue is when it fails to fetch thumbnails for my bookmarks? and how is this prevented with the speed dial folder? Anyway....
@nickname13 I don’t know why… simply, when I once wanted to inspect the SD coz of modding, V crashed. & it kept crashing every time soon after switching to another SD folder. Before & after this it behaved pretty well, coz I have the SD just coz I’m too lazy to disable all the folders there (& I have the first of them empty).
I didn’t report it back then as I couldn’t reproduce it with what I thought caused it in a clean profile, but now that I’m not the only one… please report it.
Ppafflick moved this topic from Vivaldi for Linux on