What’s your favorite web panel?
I've never really paid any attention to panels, so I'm actually still not exactly sure what they even are! I guess I use V's built-in download panel occasionally, if I'm downloading something massive like a new distro's ISO from a slow site, and want to check its progress.
I presume the panels being referred to here are some sort of web service things? Is it basically an extra set of bookmarks, except each "bookmarked" page is already open in memory/logged-in?
I don't know how useful I'd actually find this functionality, as I sign out of each service I use the moment my attention goes away from it, and I clear all history, cache and cookies every time I close the browser (or sometimes even every time I log out of something). I've been doing this since I've been aware of tracking and other cruft on the web (so probably since sometime between Spyglass Mosaic and Internet Explorer 3, lol). People always used to say, "why would you do that? you're not watching porn are you?" - how times change! In short, I can't think of a worse nightmare than being signed into something like Facebook, Amazon or GMail, and then browsing the general wider web! That is, unless these panels are somehow individually isolated from the entire rest of the browser, and therefore can't see any history or cookies other than their own?
@jamesbeardmore Web Panels allow you to put websites (any website) in a side-panel, similar to the Downloads panel. This means that you can easily access those websites without having to navigate away from the tab you currently have open (by opening a new tab, changing the address, etc.). "Floating web panels" open over the current website (on the side still, of course) so it's not disturbed, and non-floating panels open side-by-side with your normal tab (similar to tab-tiling, but the web panel is open even if you switch tabs without you having to re-tile anything).
I use Slack in a web panel, which means that I can, at any time, open Slack to send or respond to messages without having to leave what I'm doing. And when I've sent my message I can just close the panel to get it out of the way, and it will stay in-memory (like a background tab) so next time I open it I'll be able to read/write messages immediately.
Another example, which doesn't require any log-ins, is a dictionary. I used to have Merriam-Webster as a web panel, so whenever I wanted to look up a new word I could do it smoothly without leaving the text I was reading.
The web panels are not isolated from the rest of the browser (but extensions don't work in them). If you log in to Facebook in a tab and then add Facebook as a web panel, that web panel will also be signed in (and when you sign out from the tab, the panel is also signed out). However, as mentioned above you can put any website in them, including those where you don't need any logins.
@remi-flores said
- DeepL translator
do you get Deepl in a top/down layout running or the normal left/right layout? it's the only webpanel where I have to use the "custom width"
@jamesbeardmore , it should be added that the pages added to the web panel, appear in mobile format (if they allow this format), to better fit the strip occupied by this open panel.
@Komposten @Catweazle Thank you for your extremely concise and clear explanations/tips! Finally, I understand the point of these things and what they are!
I will probably give them a go, although the lack of isolation from the rest of the browser means that I'll probably not use them to sign into any of the more evil services! But for something like DeepL translator, a dictionary, and yr.no (yes, seriously - it's sometimes more accurate than the UK's own weather services!!) - it would be perfect!
Not counting as "a favourite", but the recent coronavirus outbreak has worried a lot, so I encourage Chinese Vivaldi users to add a web panel for the latest updates (which I already posted on the forum). John Hopkins CSSE's page may needs to resize.
instagram.comVarious programming documentations (lifesaver)
Oh and a trick for google keep notes:
I tag mine with things like "Info" for information I need to remember (addresses, phone numbers, claim numbers, etc), and "Todo" for my todo lists.
Then you go to that section in the browser and make it a web panel, so that you have different web panels for quick access to each group of information that you need
It'll look like this: keep.google.com/u/0/#label/Todo
I love web panels!
I heavily rely on tree tab extension, therefore I only use side bar for this:
https://thomasmca.com/doku.php?id=blog:treetabs2#discussion -
Yahoo Mail
NOAA (USA government) local weather
Vivaldi Forums - Recent (of course!) -
I noticed in Waterfox that they have a side panel for Bitwarden. This would be very useful for when editing entries, rather than the drop-down icon dialog.
Outlines notes:
airlist.app -
for now I'm only using whatsapp because web panels are consuming some ram. otherwise, I would like to use more services...
My web panel pages. Some will only work by manually selecting the desktop version of web page, e.g. Evernote.
https://www.yr.no/en/forecast/daily-table/2-2643123/United Kingdom/England/Manchester/Manchester
https://www.evernote.com/client/web -
Hi @otto ... Added the Evernote Web Client Link same as you have a while a go. Unfortunately Evernote was even with the manual switch to the desktop version not able to load and showed the *"not supported for mobile version window"*. Oke, something wrong with Evernote *"again"* I thought, and removed the Web client link.
After seeing your post I tried it again - still the same. Evernote web does not recognise the site panel as desktop window, even switching to desktop version...
Any idea why is that happening....? -
I am using the 1st 3 like a Safari read later and or bookmark short list.
Have yet to decide wich to keep.
Zoho Notes is one I'm trying because I have the desktop app. -
I am not using the panel (not yet) as extensive as I would like to.. Often the panel is a bit out of my mind. But try to change that as it is a great way to work and speed up the work flow.
My current links:
Two personal START.ME pages
with all kind of helpful information, accounts and news sources. -
Three different Vivaldi forum views.
To get a better overview, I am about to create a VIVLADI forum start.me page and embed my favourite forum topics there.... -
(Save Page Now) -
and a few websites and blogs to check if the mobile version is working properly and behave the way it should....
@Semenov-Sherin Does not work for me...
found something I know I will use: ISBNquest from fourmilab.ch
other interesting stuff there to.